Hi! Just wondering what exactly makes it Crohn's vs IBS? I have been sick since March, EGD then showed inflammation, white blood cells and rare villi so they initially thought it was Celiac disease. All Celiac tests were negative. I continued having sever diarrhea, wt loss, ab pain and fevers until October. I had another EGD and the dr gave me a prescription for 2 weeks of Diflucan when I left. He thought it was a yeast infection. Miraculously on the 12th day of Diflucan...the diarrhea stopped!! I felt better than I have in months! Fast forard to 12/20- it all started over again. Diarrhea multiple times a day, dizzy, light headed. In the meantime they did send me to a hematologist- severe anemia. And just today I got a letter from the GI stating he just got the pathology report from my EGD (that was 2 months ago!) and the biopsy showed inflammation in the stomach and small intestine. I called to see what I should do about it, especially as I seem to be in teh moddle of some sort of flare up but I haven't heard back. That was all the letter said, lol.
If anyone can shed some light- I really don't want to go through this all over again! I am so glad I have found this forum- so many people with symptoms similar to mine!
If anyone can shed some light- I really don't want to go through this all over again! I am so glad I have found this forum- so many people with symptoms similar to mine!