What is the best way to deal with the pain?

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Feb 13, 2006
The pain involved with Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis or another form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease is often one of the hardest parts of the condition to handle. What do you do to deal with it.

Do you use drugs or medications on a frequent basis (and if so, which ones)? Do you take the pain as much as you can, and take drugs when things get worse than normal? Do you take a bath, use a hot water bottle or any other techniques?

I used to pretty much just lay in bed and wait for the pain to end. I did not want to take pain medication ever, and sometimes used a heating pad. I felt that no matter what I did though, rest in bed was the best medicine for me.
I lay down turn off everything-lights, tv, radio, etc., and I start to meditate. I sometimes meditate so intensly that my parents can talk to me and I cannot hear them. I then that night do lucid dreaming and it allows your subconscious that parts of your brain start to work and can heal your problems. I do not know if that part, that the healing actually does anything but allow you to sleep less and be more rested from your sleep, but I have had some amazing affects from it.
I take darvociet and then drug myselft on restorel 30 mg x 2 with about 8 mg or so of atavain..... Also I take 1 or 2 phengren pills to also relax teh abdominal muscles and make me drowsy and basiccly just go through a painfully sleep period... You can't really sleep you toss and turn but it helps you to pass the pain quicker and care about it a little less... Or if I'm in realy pain I do alll that plus take serqual which basicly shuts off the high functions of teh brain (temporary lobadomy) and bassicly go into a comma for 10 hours... By then most of the pain will have passed and I can adjust my diet accordingly....

(remember I don't sleep I'm on 50 mg prednsione now taken 25mg then 25mg 12 hours later)

You don't want to take that much of those things though unless your me in which case your not... You would go into a coma and maybe not ever wake up if you were anyone other than me... I'm just on 70+ pills a day so I can do it... That's right over 70+ pills and I feel healthy and fine so along as I eat my food that I have picked out (my own personal low reisdue diet) and I take my 7 sets of pills... 4 sets with meals... 3 sets on empty stomach... With a few extra random pills tossed in every now and then as needed...
People actualy make themselves tired by watching me at work.... I have that much energy and my body is repairing itself constantly.... BTW I was in the hospital for a month about 3 or 4 weeks ago for a month and then pretty much active crohn's bed rest for the month earlier...

Yes I'm a working marvel of the right meds and right supplements because I shouldn't be feeling like a normal personm that has tons of eneergy and is happy if your on 50 mg of prednisone....
I keep as busy as I can, and then when I cant stand it any more if I have enough energy for it, I try a bath. it sometimes helps.. then bed.. tylenol and maybe an ativan to knock me out. dont do well with pain meds myself.
I take 10mg percocet, sometimes 2 at a time or so, doctors permission. Was taking 10mg vicodin, 180 eveyr 25 to 30 days I believe. With a few ER visits with around 10mg of dalaudid which is 100mg of morphine.

I'd like to try accupuncture actually, I've herad it works well for people with Crohns colitis, which is what I used to have, so it cant hurt.

I also take 2.5mg of xanax , up to twice a day. or sometimes 1mg klonopin.
too bad you can't get dilaudid for the house... the only thing that works for me... Lortabs are basically just like candy now, I don't really take pain pills anymore because they don't work. And what is sleep exactly? I don't remember what that is... I haven't been able to ween off the prednisone since April.... still at 80mgs a day, and thats down from what I was taking... don't even want to mention the dosage... and since I was just on solumedrol IV every 6 hours, I don't know when my Pred will be tapered...
I have an immunity to pain killers, so i have never taken them for pains due to crohns (taking max doses of T3's dose nothing to me, i learned this from blowing out my calf a couple years back). I just either go to the gym and work through the pain or just ignore it. Pain is just a bunch of electrical signals sent to your brain, block them out and the pain doesnt exist, lol.....
starbelly, you can get daluaudid for the house. You can get prescribed a PCA pump to take home, but htats not logical, you can always get it in pill form, but that doesnt work for me.
that's cool. I'll check into it with my doc... not for everyday, but if for some reason I get another flare like the last one, it would be nice to have some serious pain killers around so I could at least get to the phone to dial 911."Pain is just a bunch of electrical signals sent to your brain, block them out and the pain doesnt exist, lol....." That is true, but sometimes thinking of puppies and butterflies doesn't help... particularly when it looks like a weisel crawled into you intestines and chewed them to pieces. Plus I have a very high pain threshold. I do BJJ, MMA, and submission grappling for fun (when I'm healthy) we basically try to submit eachother using extremely painful techniques... so if I say something hurts, believe me, it hurts!!!!!!

I'm a pretty tough guy when I'm healthy... unfortunately I just lost 40lbs and I don't quite look like this right now... not grappling when anyone for at least a month:wink:
Starbelly said:
that's cool. I'll check into it with my doc... not for everyday, but if for some reason I get another flare like the last one, it would be nice to have some serious pain killers around so I could at least get to the phone to dial 911."Pain is just a bunch of electrical signals sent to your brain, block them out and the pain doesnt exist, lol....." That is true, but sometimes thinking of puppies and butterflies doesn't help... particularly when it looks like a weisel crawled into you intestines and chewed them to pieces. Plus I have a very high pain threshold. I do BJJ, MMA, and submission grappling for fun (when I'm healthy) we basically try to submit eachother using extremely painful techniques... so if I say something hurts, believe me, it hurts!!!!!!

I'm a pretty tough guy when I'm healthy... unfortunately I just lost 40lbs and I don't quite look like this right now... not grappling when anyone for at least a month:wink:

Ya, i will say there was some times when the pain literally brought me to my knees, but we all have to realize i guess that its something we are going to have to deal with for the rest of our life....i really do think for a lot of the time my training helps huge, which i am sure u will agree with.

I am not into the hardcore stuff as much as u are, boxing, weight training and wrestling are more my area. I am currently working on rehabilitating myself after losing a ton of muscle/weight in my last bought in January.

I think because training has caused so much self inflicted pain in the past i was a little more prepared for the pains with crohns then the average person would be.

Btw, i am still waiting for the best drug to help the pain, the cure, lol...
True that.... the Cure:) totaly agree with you that the training does help you deal with the pain, but after talking with my doctor, we decided that trying to tough it out was actually not the brightest idea. If you are in pain... (and man, I know about that crippling, bring you to your knees pain... I was in tears in front of my family and the doctors and nurses) then there is something wrong... way wrong. Well, I wish you all the luck gaining the weight back. It's so disappointing. You know the past five years of extremely hard work in the weight room and on the mat was completely wiped out in 6 weeks:ymad: But I think it comes back pretty quickly when you get healthy again... if you figure out how to get it back quickly, I would appreciate the advice!
Darrlyp should try something besides T3's those really arent anything, he might as well be taking over the counter tylenol, and if you can get by with taking t3's then you dont really have a problem with pain and should be complaining. Not saying you are.

I've actually passed out in my surgeon's office, signing in at the check in window from being in so much pain before.