Update on Dusty's Matt

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I know this will elicit some smart-assed comment but.....tick,tock,tick,tock!! What did the doctor say? A chronsian nursery rhyme!
Awww, thanks for all the well wishes guys...:ghug:

Well Matt is feeling better today, still a fair way off 100% but only has mild pain, no vomiting and has started eating again tonight.

The GP thinks it is a uro-genital infection...either kidney, urine or prostate. His urine had just the slightest trace blood but nothing else, well other than ketones but in view of the fact he hadn't eaten for 36 hours that is not surprising. So we were leaning toward kidney, then Matt says, well it does burn a bit when I go, so we started to lean toward UTI. The doc said...most 17 year old males with a UTI would get it from the prostate. Urine has been sent for MC&S, the path lab was rung to test blood from yesterday for PSA and if these return normal results then a renal ultrasound has been arranged for next Friday. The GP doesn't think it will show anything so if infection is the problem or it resolves I will cancel it.

I have rattling around at the back of my brain some references I have seen made to CD, and interestingly enough Ileal Crohns, to prostatitis. If it turns out this is what Matt has then I will certainly file that one away for future reference! :lol:. He also had issues deep in the pelvic/pubic region pre-op with inflammation and abscessing so I wonder if that could play a part this far down the track? Who knows? Not me!

His bloods from yesterday showed his eosinophils were slightly raised but I guess the fact that he has some sort of infection would account for that. Otherwise everything was grossly normal including inflammatory markers, YAY!

Hopefully starting to chug along again...

Dusty. xxx
I'm glad that he is on the mend. Ugh! Vomiting is the worst. He seems to be a fighter, so he'll be his usual active self before long.
Thanks Andi!

Things have settled down since Friday. No further pain or vomiting and he is back to his usual self. May it keep on keeping on!

Onward and Upward!
Dusty. xxx
OK you show off with the fingers crossed icons....where are the ones for the toes, and the legs, and the eyes, and the....well you get my drift!:ylol::ylol:

So happy to hear Matt is getting better and better !

Made even the most miseable of Welsh gits smile...thanks Wendy!

Good to hear thing's continue to go well...must be 'mummy magic'!!
"mummy magic", you might be onto something there Welshy...

Thanks hun, :hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I'm sure being a witch and a magician are two entirely different things though...
(opening the door for Dex to come in on this one!)
Love ya xx
Ah, but that's that's a good witch, just like Glinda from Oz!

Don't invite Dex in, I'll eat him alive, my pretty!

Dusty. :)
I saw an episode of House Hunters Intl. in Oz. The woman kept talking about the beadrooms!! I thought she made jewelry, but no, turns out she meant bedrooms! So I suppose Oz would have Glinda if one spelled it phonetically!!
Thanks Doug! and you deserve a medal for finding the info in amongst all the drivel!...:medal1:

Matt continues to go well with no further sign of symptoms. His urine came back clear and his PSA is normal. I rang the doc to see if we could cancel the ultrasound set down for Friday but he said no...:yfrown:. He wants to be sure that all is clear it case it happens again.

I think he will always ensure no stone is left unturned after Sarah! :lol:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Well Matt had his renal ultrasound today and I am assuming that things must have gone well enough as the doctor wasn't called in and there was no urgency in getting the report out. He has had no repeat of his symptoms since last Friday so hopefully this was merely a glitch and I can now close the book on this chapter...


Dusty. xxx
No more chapters in this book please!! Just start a new one!! Matt's life of remission!!
Renal ultrasound results are in and the Conclusion reads:

No cause for symptoms has been detected - normal urinary tract examination.
Kidneys - normal
Bladder - normal
Prostate - normal
Testis - normal

Which is all fab, so I guess we just put it down to a glitch...those sort of glitches I don't mind one bit! I will happily go back to being...:boring:

Onward and Upward, to infinity and beyond! :ybiggrin:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
:allright:Brilliant fab news Dusty!
Sounds like Matt is now in awesome remission!
Can you believe that over 14,000 have viewed this!
Way to go Matt, you're famous!
Thanks for all the well wishes guys! :):):)

Streuth you're a fair dinkum fab mob! :thumleft:

No Joanie! Dex will be thinking he is famous 'cause he started the thread! Ugh, as if we can do with his head being bigger than it already is...he's a veritable boofhead now! LMFAO!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Well Matt had his monthly bloods done Friday and I am very pleased to say the results came back boringly normal. I so love not seeing astericks!

:boring: you all to tears. :)

Dusty. xxx
Two lucky kids, despite having Crohns, they have a terrific Mum!
I hope that Matt manages to get through without too much surgery...
love Paddy
Awww thanks Paddy! :)

Matt continues to do well and I too hope that his surgery days over for a very, very long time. So long in fact that the cure comes first!

He has just had his monthly bloods done and all remains on a steady and boring course, no asterick!...:panda::panda::panda:

Enjoyin' the mundane and hopin' it stays that way!
Dusty. :ybiggrin:
Had a horrendous night.No control at all and so tired today. Wish I could be bored!

I'm meant to be going to the hairdressers today and not sure whether to risk it...
Thank for the well wishes guys, it is so appreciated...:kiss:

My wish for you is a my mediocrity! :ylol:

Dusty. xxx
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Well following on from Matt's Vit D deficiency...

I told him the results and we commenced him on Ostelin 2 daily and repeat the levels in a month. Because the GP had spoken with me he didn't need see him.

So come last Sunday Matt says to me when is his appointment to see the doc. I say "huh"...I thought we discussed you not needing to go and he says well he didn't think it would hurt to have things checked out, waving his hand over his abdomen. Okaaaaaay, he said he is fine but it has my mind ticking over so I make the appointment and off he goes to the GP yesterday, well it turns out he has noticed some swelling on the left lower end of his incision over the past couple of weeks. He has no pain and it is only appears occassionally but now the thought is he has an incisional hernia and it sure sounds like that to me too. :voodoo:

He goes for an ultrasound in the morning. I know it isn't huge in the scheme of things but I just wish he didn't need to have further surgery at some point.

I'm fed up and sick of it, not for me but him. :(
Dusty. xxx
Awe Dusty, this disease is hard on us but my kid having it, I would take it instead of my daughter having it. Now you have double worry, you and Matt and Sarah. Lets just hope the ultra sound is ok or at least find some answers! Keep us posted on his results. Big hugs to you!!!
Hi DustyKat,
Those sneaky young men--good thing you trusted your momma instincts and made the appointment for him. They try not to worry us and then they end up worrying us more!

You and your kids need/deserve a longer break from dealing with Crohn's related issues.

Sending hugs and the hope that it is just a minor hernia. :hug:
Dusty. Hope it all goes well for Matt. Sorry to hear that he is having even the hint of a problem. He can never say he isn't lucky with a mom like you. Good luck to you both and I hope this is just a little bump in the road.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Right along with ya, sister! My 31 yo is going through some medical stuff and I was thinking when will this kid get some peace? So sorry for our kids.
Awwww Dusty,

I'm sorry to hear that, I know what you mean about another surgery!! This Crohn's stuff gets old real quick.... :(
Wishing you and your son wellness!
I am sorry to hear this about Matt. I sure hope another surgery isn't needed.

Please let us know how the ultrasound goes.

Dusty I'm very sorry to hear that, and lets hope it's not a hernia! But....hernias arent that big of a surgery (compared I may say to our other chronie surgeries)...and hopefully they can nip it in the bud with a belt or something else to delay any need for surgery in the near future. I'm sooo sorry, as a mum you must be a basket case!
oh no Dusty :frown: hopefully they can get rid of that hernia asap. I know I have a tendency to let symptoms slide until they get real bad and then I worry my parents sick about it when I finally come clean. You must be so worried for Matt! I hope they can get it taken care of efficiently and easily so he can be back to enjoying full remission without any complications.
Poor Matt!! What are you gonna do when he goes off to uni?? Come to think of it, what is Matt gonna do? You're gonna have to get really good at reading him over the phone!!!
I'm 37 and my parents worry rotten about me but I have the best mum in the world especially when it comes to dr's appointments and keeping me right, matt's very lucky to have you I don't know were we would be without great parents. Good luck to matt and hope he gets sorted very soon.
Oh Dusty, what else does Matt have to deal with! I am sooo sorry. We are there for you if you need us.
Wow! Thank you all so much for your kind words and well wishes...:)

The ultrasound went fine but short of having Matt stand on his head and whistle dixie they weren't able to get the ?hernia to show itself. The sonographer said he couldn't see anything and I didn't get a call from the GP so that must indeed be the case. The X-Ray place did give us the offer that if Matt was in the vicinity and it popped out to come in and they would fit him in there and then and do a another ultrasound. I don't know the likelihood of that happening, since we are 25kms away, but it was nice of them to offer and who knows, stranger things have happened with Murphy and that bloody law of his!

I will give the GP a ring next week, if I don't see him in my travels, and see what his thoughts are. As he is asymptomatic at present I imagine they will wait until they are able to either visualise it or he develops pain.

Thanks again guys...:hug:
Dusty. xxx
Hey Dusty!

i just saw this today. i hope Matt is okay and he won't have to have another surgery. That'd be awful. Hang in there! I often feel fairly bad for my husband and my mom, I know the disease is really hard on them as well. I can only imagine what you go through with both kiddos having this sucky disease. You're such a great mom, and they're lucky to have such an awesome support system!! Hugs to you and Matt!!
Hi Dusty,

I've been away and just saw the post re Matt. I hope that it turns out to be 'something' that can just be left and will not create any more concerns for Matt!! Sending best wishes!!!!! :ghug:
Awwww, thank you so much guys! :):):)

Well I received the ultrasound results and spoke with the GP yesterday.

The sonographer was right, they couldn't visualise anything and no abnormalities were seen. While ever he is asymptomatic we will wait and watch and the radiologist also noted on the report for him to pop him if ever it was out and he was in the vicinity.

Thanks loads for the love and support! :hug:

Dusty. :soledance:
Well it's one year ago today that our suspicions were confirmed that Matt has CD.

It's been one helluva of a year and one I wouldn't wish to revisit BUT we now find ourselves solidly in remission and I am hoping, wishing, praying and everything elsing that he stays that way until there is a cure!!!

He has finished school and university for the year and is now pursuing some Maths to do over the Summer! Oh well, each to their own. :eek2:
Bloods due this week but he has been too busy sleeping and swimming to be bothered about them, I think today will be the day though. :ylol:

Much love, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I too am very grateful that Matt is in full remission....long may it continue!!!

Whooo hoooo Matt!!!
Good to hear some good news. Maths! I'm lost without a calculator these days, lol. Long may it continue. Fingers crossed.
Congratulations Dusty. I heard a song the other day where one line stood out for me, "Take me off your worry list, it will be better that way." Told my mom. You too. Enjoy this time of summer vacation, swimming, and fun. You've earned it and then some.

Remission....no sweeter word.
He has finished school and university for the year and is now pursuing some Maths to do over the Summer!

Already having withdrawal symptoms??

Here's to many years of smooth sailing for Matt and Sarah!!:cheers:
Wow, thanks for all the well wishes! You guys are the best! :ybiggrin:

Matt did in fact take himself off for bloods yesterday, picked up the results today and all is fine, even my latest inclusion, magnesium, is normal, YAY!. Vit D was the only result not back so I will pick that up on Monday.
His hernia is still showing up occasionally but he still has no other symptoms accompanying it. :thumleft:

@Dex...yes withdrawals! One of his uni lecturers rang this morning and he was away to the uni maths department at warp speed to commence his Summer of maths! :eek2: :lol:

Much love, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
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Great news Dusty!!! I hope all continues well for him for many, many years! :highfive:
Wonderful news ! I'm so happy that everything continues to be so well and "normal" for him!! :dance::dance::dance:

much love,
Thanks guys. :)

Well finally got his Vit D results today and after taking 2,000 ui daily for a month his level is now lower than it was previously! Not by much mind but still lower. The reference range the lab uses is 60-160, last time his level was 53 and now it's 51. He is compliant with taking his meds so that's not the reason.

The doc wants to see him so an appointment has been made for Friday afternoon. To say Matt is less than impressed would be an understatement! :eek2::lol:

Dusty. xxx
My vitamin D levels are somewhat low too and I live in Hawai'i and take supplements. I will be curious what the doctor makes of Matt's levels. Keep us posted.

Very happy for you and your kids. It sounds like they are both doing well.
Maybe a little less math and a little more sunshine:)

I hope it's a simple explanation Dusty!!
Haven't updated in a while, must be because things are boring! :boring: YAY!

All continues to go well, :), he has a bit of a cough at present but nothing else. Uni has finally started up and he is keen as mustard! :ysmile:

Bloods were done last week and all is well. Vit D slightly better but still not fab. He stills spends a large amount of time in his cave but then it has been so wet here of late that the sun has been a rare commodity. Maybe things will progress a little faster when soccer season starts up.
I spoke with his GP and we decided no need for further visits with him unless necessary. I didn't see LFT's included with these latest results but the GP swears he wrote them on the form, I have them faxed straight to the lab so didn't see the request, so I will chase that one up. If it was done he will now go to 2 monthly bloods, the GP doesn't want them any farther apart than 8 weeks and I'm happy with that, if not then next month again and then start the new regime.

The hernia is still popping out every now and then but isn't causing him any bother, I hope it stays that way when he starts playing soccer! :eek2:

Onwards and Upwards!
Dusty. :heart: