My Bum Has A Mind Of Its Own!

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Aug 18, 2010
Preston, UK
Hi everyone,

Here's a weird question. My sister says that your bum can remember. What I mean is, I was complaining to her that every time I go to a certain supermarket, I would get just past fruit and veg and then I would need the loo. If I could fight the urge, which basically meant doing breathing exercises like I was in labour, I would usually be OK, provided we were really quick.

I can now get round the supermarket OK but it happens every time I go in Blockbuster.

It doesn't matter if I've just been or if I haven't eaten anything since I last went, I still have to go when I get in there.

Now I sit in the car park while hubby goes in and he phones me with his suggestions.

Does anyone else have places they can't go or am I just weird!!!

Jan x
Perhaps you should see a psychiatrist or would a proctologist treat a bum memory. I recommend Netflix!! Do you have that over there yet?
Netflix is where movies are sent to you by mail. You go to their website and sign up, and pick which movies you want to see, and they mail them to you. I've got it and it's great.

My bum has a mind of it's own too, somewhat. Not for places like the supermarket or the video store, but my bum knows if I'm getting close to home or work or wherever my destination is, and then suddenly I have to clench until I get there! That happened the other day as I was driving to work, I was fine for the first 20 minutes of my drive, then as I was about a half-mile away from work, all of a sudden boom! I really gotta go now! Fortunately I made it, but it was close. That doesn't happen every time, only ocassionally, so I never quite know when it's going to hit me. But it's like my body knows where I'm going and when I'm almost there, and then it gets impatient.
Know what you mean! Just got back from holiday, been travelling for about 17 hours without needing to go to the toilet. Walked in the front door, boyfriend went for a wee and bam! I had to sit down and hold on with both hands while I waited for him to finish, mad dash in the door while he was still zipping, and held on for dear life! I was like 'where the hell did that come from?' I think my bum was just grateful to be back on a familiar toilet!
Know what you mean! Just got back from holiday, been travelling for about 17 hours without needing to go to the toilet. Walked in the front door, boyfriend went for a wee and bam! I had to sit down and hold on with both hands while I waited for him to finish, mad dash in the door while he was still zipping, and held on for dear life! I was like 'where the hell did that come from?' I think my bum was just grateful to be back on a familiar toilet!

It's called Safe Toilet Syndrome. Dr. Oz even talked about it on Oprah. I crap way more when I am at home or work than anywhere else (must both be safe toilets for me :))

BTW, I also always have to go when I first get on the computer. Is it something about the way I sit or radiation from the screen? Who knows!
Safe Toilet Syndrome - I love it, I am so going to tell people I have that! I imagine it'll go something like this:

Stupid person: Hey Cat, did you ever get diagnosed? Maybe you've got IBS. My uncle-in-law has that, but he's fine now that he gave up chili cheese fries.
Cat: Um, yes, I've been diagnosed with Safe Toilet Syndrome. It's highly contagious so you'd better back up about 20 feet!
Stupid person: Yikes, goodbye! I'm off to eat some chili cheese fries!
Cat: Idiot.

Safe Toilet Syndrome - I love it, I am so going to tell people I have that! I imagine it'll go something like this:

Stupid person: Hey Cat, did you ever get diagnosed? Maybe you've got IBS. My uncle-in-law has that, but he's fine now that he gave up chili cheese fries.
Cat: Um, yes, I've been diagnosed with Safe Toilet Syndrome. It's highly contagious so you'd better back up about 20 feet!
Stupid person: Yikes, goodbye! I'm off to eat some chili cheese fries!
Cat: Idiot.


:ylol: Hahahahaha....hey wait, I just asked you the same thing two days ago...hey wait a minute!!!
My husband (healthy guy) does this. Anytime we go out of town, his colon gets shy and hardly functions, but the second we get off of the interstate, which is about 5 minutes from our house, he starts groaning about how his butt just realized where it was.

And my mom says she can't go in Marshalls or TJ Maxx without one of these urgent "Safe Toilet Syndrome" attacks. LOL wonder why her arse likes those commodes??
:ylol: Hahahahaha....hey wait, I just asked you the same thing two days ago...hey wait a minute!!!

Oh, was that you Mark? You'd better back up at least 20 feet from your computer then, or you'll catch Safe Toilet Syndrome too! :p
Used to happen to me all the time when I went into Target. Always seemed like I had to go as soon as I got in there. So weird!
i get that too. When Im on vacation I cant go. When we start pulling down the street here it comes........
Possibly conditioned behaviour, like Pavlov, maybe you had an incident or just fear needing the loo in a hurry, so your brain has associated that supermarket and gives you the response.
I'd recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to learn how to break the cycle/behaviour. A proper psychologist trained in CBT will be able to work miracles - I saw one for a PTSD alike thing, and hubby had post-stroke problems with supermarkets being busy with too many 'threat vectors' for his brain to deal with properly.

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