Can adhesions grow from crohn's healing

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Apr 8, 2010
Can adhesions form because of crohn's healing

So, like I said before I've been having adhesion pains. But it's not just in the spot where I had my resection. It's also in the Upper Right Quadrant and near my terminal ileum. I asked my GI about it and he said that he's not sure about it. And that even the pain I feel at the resection site is an educated guess that it's adhesions but not 100% definitive.

I was wondering if it's possible for adhesions to grow in places where there was no incision but where crohn's had healed. If not I wonder what else could cause the pain since my doctor says that I'm still in remission, but that's because of the prednisone. Thing is once I'm done tapering off I won't be able to get back on it in case another flare happens.
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I have complained of adhesions pain, too, and not just at the resection site. Nothing 100% proven, of course. But my dad is an obgyn and has operated on many ladies with adhesions and he seems to think that my description of the pain, coupled with two surgeries leads to adhesions. Once it starts sticking, I guess it can attach to any part
I have adhesions everywhere! My surgeon has told me I "have so many adhesions that it was like trying the get through a brick wall"! I think adhesions can show up in other places even far from surgical sites as this has happened to me. Doc tells me most of my pain is also from adhesions.
I was under the impression that adhesions could only be 100% confirmed during surgery. Like, you can have all the symptoms and ct or cat scans or whatever but for the absolute diagnosis, you have to be opened up. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember something to that effect.
I was under the impression that adhesions could only be 100% confirmed during surgery. Like, you can have all the symptoms and ct or cat scans or whatever but for the absolute diagnosis, you have to be opened up. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember something to that effect.

I was told the same thing. It would be during a surgery that they would be able to see if there are definite adhesions. In some medical recent reports it states that I have probable adhesions. I was told that they form after trauma to an area(surgery). I had a few surgeries and the adhesions are most likely there. The only difficulty with having a surgery to remove adhesions is that they may come back because when being opened up again, that is another trauma to the body. Only if extremely necessary will surgeons likely do a surgery for adhesions alone.
I once had a blockage and was still saved from surgery even though they knew there were probable adhesions. They wanted to see if the NG tube can work instead. It did thankfully. The only problem I fear is that it can happen again. That blockage was painful and the NG tube was not fun either. Nor being in the hospital for those two weeks.
My GI told me that when they do a colonoscopy they can "feel" the adhesions from the way the scope works through/forced through loops etc. He did also say that adhesions are difinitively dx through "seeing" them during surgery. My surgeon has said that from "experience" they can be "felt" when feeling the belly. To me that sounds slightly scarey that they are guessing what they feel (as for my "experience" they thought they felt a lopp of bowel probably aggravated by the adhesions surrounding it-guess what? it was an abcess that created 6L of fluid in my abdomen!! Some adhesion!). So I believe that the only way they KNOW for sure it is adhesions is to "see" them but they can assume there are some due to symptoms, presentation etc. Then again, I'm not a doc. so I'm only guessing myself really. lol
I was told adhesions can be identified in MRE's which I just had last week. I'm having pain and thats why the MRE was done, they say the adhesions are causing the pain. The Doctors at Shands have been right up to this point so I guess I go with what they say. They want me to try lyrica for the pain.

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