Just Thinkin' About Siblings & Location Of Crohns

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May 8, 2010
Okay, so now that Matt has Crohns I was wondering about the others members here that have a sibling or another family member with Crohns and if it is in the exact same location as yours. I got to thinking about it because one of the Profs we saw at the hospital sat down one day and was asking about Roo and her disease and what happened to her. When I told him he said he has only one other patient/s where the disease is exactly mirrored in the family members, that being a mother and her two daughters..........hmmmm, may be he doesn't get around much. :ylol:

So do any of you have a family member that mirrors your Crohns in location, severity and outcomes?

Thanks, :)
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I am the only one in my family with Crohns'.....although my Mom supposedly has it (diagnosed only a few years ago) and she has NO symptoms....sorry I can't help!
No IBD in my family unless you go back to my great-grandfather, who had UC. I have one sibling, a younger brother, and he is perfectly healthy. Am I just an anomaly, or did we all get my great-grandfather's genetics but I was the only one unlucky enough to trigger the IBD gene? I have no idea.
I don't know anyone in my family, maternal or paternal with IBD.

But that's not to say I don't worry about my kids aged 19 and 16 getting it.
God, I hope not, but if they do, then at least I'm prepared!

Hope you're ok Dusty, things have been tough lately?
Hi Dusty, I have Crohns and my older sister has crohns and my older brother has UC. We all differ in symptoms, severity and I dont bleed and my sister bleeds severely , I have had 2 resections, my sister one and we both got infected and we both had surgery same time different province. My brother's UC is controlled by diet and hasnt had a flare in many years. He smokes too so don't know if that helps him. So everyone is different even in families. My younger brother has some form of IBD but wont get tested... my sister has GERD and severe too.

I know about this disease more than I want. Anyway I can help you guys out, I am here, not alot but I am here!!!:smile:
Nobody in family has any bowel probs.
I was 29 when i finally got diagnosed.It scared the living daylights out of me back then that if i ever became a dad i might have a little one with the same prob so it's never happened.
You do a great job with what yours have been thru.
Everyone in my family has bowel issues/food sensitivities, etc. Both of my parents and an aunt and I all have crohns. My dad's and my crohns are in similar areas - as is my aunts. Though my aunt and my dad are not related genetically. My mom's crohns came on extremely severe resulting in an iliostomy. My dad's crohns has been like mine where it ebbs and flows in severity. He has had two resections. One of them being more extreme. Three I mentioned have been diagnosed over 30 years. I've been diagnosed for 7 years.
My sis has Crohn's as well. She has had 3 surgeries for perianal abscesses. She is currently not on any meds. Gastro is pushing her towards Humira. She doesn't want it. Excepting the perianal issues, she does not usually have other Crohnsy symptoms. She has been well for a long while now.

I have had two surgeries. An ileocolectomy and emergency surgery for massive internal bleeding (took some more out too). I bleed a lot and get all the typically Crohnsy symptoms. I am usually in a flare or just got out of a flare.
Hi Dusty:

My younger sister had Crohn's and we both have it in the same place and with the same severity. She died about two years after her diagnosis (at 19), although she was having symptoms for at least a year prior. For those two years, she had tried all medications that were on the market at the time, including Prednisone, and nothing worked. I have also been non-responsive to meds, and there have been far more med choices since I was diagnosed. I can't answer your questions about outcome!

My mom and my other sister also have Crohn's and theirs mirrors one another. Their's is located in the terminal ileum. Both have had a much milder case of Crohn's then my sister and I. The one flare that this sister has had was treated with Pentasa, and she changed her diet and has been flare-free for the past ten years. My mom has some mild symptoms on occasion, but has been dealing with it with over-the-counter meds and one bout of Sulfazine.

So, that's my family trajectory!

My brother and I both have Crohn's Disease. We suspect that one of our sisters has it as well, though she hasn't been fully diagnosed. Our paternal grandfather had CD and eventually had a colostomy. We suspect that our father has CD, and either has minimal symptoms, or doesn't let on about any pain. My father had surgery on a complicated perianal abscess when he was 24 years-old. I was still a baby. It was my mother who told me about it. I asked my dad about it a number of years ago, but he was very vague, so I didn't push the issue. He did say that it was one of the most painful experiences of his life. He also said somethings that waved the red flag for me. He claims that while in his teenage years and young adult years he suffered horrible joint pains, and couldn't eat certain things.

My brother's CD is mainly in his colon and I'm guessing his rectum because he has had several perianal abscesses. He underwent a couple of surgeries and had a seton (spelling) placed.

My CD is in my illeum, a small part of the sigmoid colon, and in the jejenum (spelling?). I get more nausea and weight loss than my brother. I also react to predisone in different ways than he does. I always get the chubby moon face, my brother doesn't seem to.
My brother and mom have Crohn's, as well. I'm not sure about the location of it for them, but it definitely differs in severity. My mom hasn't had a noteworthy flare up that I can remember, my brother had some bad periods during his teenage years but responded relatively well to treatments, and mine has been the most severe. Next time I can I'll ask if they know where their disease is located.
My sister has it also, but we're not really close so I don't know much about hers. She had a lot of the same symptoms as I did before she was diagnosed, but I don't know if that means anything. We also have a family history of colon cancer (both sides of the family) so we have to watch for that as well.
My younger sister has UC, my younger brother & elder sister have what they term nervous stomachs. My two oldest siblings have no stomach issues. My elder sister has other autoimmune difficulties & we all have joint problems of some sort.
Most likely more family info then you wanted, but once I started I figured I'd finish it out!
one sister with IBS one sister with UC, neither have major symptoms maternal grandfather died of colon cancer at 73, those are the only family members
My older half brother (same father, so we know who to blame). He has Crohn's Colitis, I have Ulcerative Colitis, I had a bowel resection, maybe 5 years ago due to scar tissue build up.
I have three siblings and one of them has Crohn's as well. We were both diagnosed the same year. I started having symptoms first and was diagnosed first but then she had similar symptoms so it was easier for the doctors to figure out what she had. I don't know where her's is located but mine is in the TI. I've had a bowel resection and she refuses to go to the doctor and continues life med free (but not symptom free). Its sad really.
Wow guys, thanks for all the responses and giving insight to how this affects both yourselves and your families. :thumright:

The more I think about Roo and what they found when they operated the more I see how Matt has followed the same path. Their symptoms were somewhat different but the outcome seems to be the same. If it weren't for Roo I wonder how long Matt's diagnosis time would have been, she certainly forged the path for his quick diagnosis and for that I am forever grateful.

Dusty. :hug:
thank you for starting this post, even though it was quite a while back. My daughter was diagnosed with Crohns Colitis 10 1/2 months ago, she is 14. My nephew, who is 33, also has Crohns colitis and was diagnosed about the same as my daughter. He bleeds a lot like my daughter, but doesnt have the pain. I am not sure why she has pain and he never has.

My older daughter has other stomach issues like acid reflux, lactose intolerant, and deals with migraines. We have had ran a few blood tests to see if she has inflammation, and they have come back negative. I am worried she could show signs of Crohns some day too.
My mothers crohns is differant than mine. She had a spinal abscess and I have yet to experience anything other than iritis, and structuring (3) crohns. But locations of them are all over. Not restricted to small or large bowel.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1997 and at the time I was diagnosed I had a resection with regards to about a foot and a half involving the section after the stomach. I am not on a restricted diet but I do not eat beef. It makes me have cramps. I've never liked meat since I was a child. I just found out my brother was diagnosed with Crohn's as well about four years ago and has had about four hospitalizations with a resection. I'm not sure about his details since he really doesn't speak about it that much. I am not currently on a Crohn's medication going on four years now. However, I am prescribed elavil for peripheral neuropathy due to a 6MP prescribed in the past. I have asked my parents as well as asked about other relatives and my brother and I are the first to be diagnosed or had any hx of stomach ailments.
I was diagnosed in March with CD, my older brother has UC diagnosed 10years ago and he has been in remission for a few years:). My maternal auntie had severe CD and passed away last year at the age of 68, she had multiple surgeries and biliary cancer near the end ( she was so strong and brave) I hope I will be too , for me and for her<3. Also maternal uncle had CD with multiple surgeries and other health problems, he passed away a few years ago from multiple health problems( also very brave and a fighter). And I just found out from my dad that his brother has UC, diagnosed the past few years and he is in late 70's and currently in a flare. God bless, and cheers to our strength and courage!

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