Hi All,
I am a new member and I need some help please.
My doctor thinks I have Chrons and I am scheduled for both a colonoscopy and a barium swallow/enema (not sure which one of those) within the next month.
I just had surgery under general anesthesia 16 days ago to place a loose draining seton for a fistula, and also to treat 2 fissures (one of which is very deep and chronic).
Depending on the test results, sometime in mid May, I will either receive proof that I have Chrons and start the various "Chrons medications" and have the doctor remove the loose seton, OR if the test results do not show Chrons the doctor said I would then need to have an endorectal flap surgery to "terminate" or permanently close the inside "door" of the fistula.
The doctor spoke briefly of some other more traditional surgical options, and she ruled both of them out- the first is the surgery where they cut the sphincter muscle for Stage 2 fistula surgery(forget the name of that one). She feels the risks of incontinence in female patients is too high for that surgery, ( I already have a loose seton in place now for my complex fistula) nor does she like the results of the fibrine (spelling) glue option which is injected into the fistula because it tends to come out soon after the procedure.
Of course I am concerned about the tests and the results, but I am much more concerned about the invasive nature of the "endorectal flap" surgery, due to long periods of post surgical pain and long recovery.
The surgery is tentatively scheduled for the end of May pending the outcome of the tests.
On a related note, I was also diagnosed with Celiac in 2002, Silent GERD (chronic cough which I have had for 2+ years is my only symptom) in 2007, and "intestinal" endometriosis in 2005. I have been to about 15 doctors just in the past 2 years to diagnose some of the above conditions.
Before I was referred to my current colorectal surgeon in mid February 08 , I was referred to 2 different OBGYNs who could not for the life of them figure out what I had, from November 2007 to January 2008. Instead of referring me to a colorectal surgeon right away, (keeping in mind that at the time I had NO idea that what I was dealing with was an abcess because the doctors kept telling me they had "no idea" what it was), these OBGYNS then tried to "remove" the abcess via local surgery 2 times, with no success, of course, because they were dealing with an abcess that kept coming back. To make matters worse, after the surgeries, the abcess was driven "underground" and developed into a complex fistula.
I have read online about an alternative fistula closing surgery called "collagen plug" or "Anal Fistula Plug" trademarked by Cook Medical.
I have not found any posts from any members who have had either the "flap" surgery or the "collagen plug" surgery.
If anyone has had either of these surgeries or knows someone who has, or has some more information, I would REALLY appreciate it!
Can someone also please tell me which test the doctor likely is referring to when she says she wants to see my small intestine?- the barium swallow or the barium enema contrast X Ray?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi All,
I am a new member and I need some help please.
My doctor thinks I have Chrons and I am scheduled for both a colonoscopy and a barium swallow/enema (not sure which one of those) within the next month.
I just had surgery under general anesthesia 16 days ago to place a loose draining seton for a fistula, and also to treat 2 fissures (one of which is very deep and chronic).
Depending on the test results, sometime in mid May, I will either receive proof that I have Chrons and start the various "Chrons medications" and have the doctor remove the loose seton, OR if the test results do not show Chrons the doctor said I would then need to have an endorectal flap surgery to "terminate" or permanently close the inside "door" of the fistula.
The doctor spoke briefly of some other more traditional surgical options, and she ruled both of them out- the first is the surgery where they cut the sphincter muscle for Stage 2 fistula surgery(forget the name of that one). She feels the risks of incontinence in female patients is too high for that surgery, ( I already have a loose seton in place now for my complex fistula) nor does she like the results of the fibrine (spelling) glue option which is injected into the fistula because it tends to come out soon after the procedure.
Of course I am concerned about the tests and the results, but I am much more concerned about the invasive nature of the "endorectal flap" surgery, due to long periods of post surgical pain and long recovery.
The surgery is tentatively scheduled for the end of May pending the outcome of the tests.
On a related note, I was also diagnosed with Celiac in 2002, Silent GERD (chronic cough which I have had for 2+ years is my only symptom) in 2007, and "intestinal" endometriosis in 2005. I have been to about 15 doctors just in the past 2 years to diagnose some of the above conditions.
Before I was referred to my current colorectal surgeon in mid February 08 , I was referred to 2 different OBGYNs who could not for the life of them figure out what I had, from November 2007 to January 2008. Instead of referring me to a colorectal surgeon right away, (keeping in mind that at the time I had NO idea that what I was dealing with was an abcess because the doctors kept telling me they had "no idea" what it was), these OBGYNS then tried to "remove" the abcess via local surgery 2 times, with no success, of course, because they were dealing with an abcess that kept coming back. To make matters worse, after the surgeries, the abcess was driven "underground" and developed into a complex fistula.
I have read online about an alternative fistula closing surgery called "collagen plug" or "Anal Fistula Plug" trademarked by Cook Medical.
I have not found any posts from any members who have had either the "flap" surgery or the "collagen plug" surgery.
If anyone has had either of these surgeries or knows someone who has, or has some more information, I would REALLY appreciate it!
Can someone also please tell me which test the doctor likely is referring to when she says she wants to see my small intestine?- the barium swallow or the barium enema contrast X Ray?
Thanks in advance for your help!