Sebastian's Story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Passionate Dreamer
Feb 10, 2009
Hello Everyone,

I am Sebastian from Argentina. It started 20 years ago when I was 14. Stomachache, acidity, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, well you know about this.

I’ve spend three years without diagnosis. Crohn disease wasn’t very well known at those times. The funny thing was my blood tests where allright, but I kept on loosing weight. Doctors said I had bulimia or a kind of psychological problem.

“Is this horrible pain psychological?” I didn’t believe them and I tried to eat as much as possible but I continued vomiting. By the time I was diagnosed I had lost too much weight and I looked like those poor africans who starve to death. I really felt like I was dieing slowly. I got desperate and my parents too. We visited a lot of doctors and thanks good one of them saw “an ulcer” on an x-ray and that was the beginning of my treatment.

Now 20 years later I about to have my second surgery, which I have been delaying for years…

In the meantime I got married; thanks good my wife is very supportive. We have a cute daughter and as another act of insanity we decided to have another baby, which is coming.

I left you a picture, regards,

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Welcome to the board!!! You will find many people here in your same situation of taking a long time for a diagnosis. I wish you luck on your surgery.
hello sebastian!
youll be able to find a lot of good advice and information here. good luck with your surgery. can i ask what type of surgery youre having done?
let us know how it goes, ok?
The second surgery is something that I am delaying as much as possible.

Doctors advised me to be operated on to feel better; but after having one surgery I don’t feel like having a second one at all. My first surgery was 15 years ago and I had REALLY bad times at the hospital. Such a painful experience. It took me a month to start walking again and about three months to be a human being again. Doctors explained me they had to "fix" 8 places using a very conservative approach called stricturoplastic (or something like that). They said they didn't wanted to drop inches of intestine; they just “fixed” the affected parts.

Thanks God, after that I felt better and without symptoms, but it lasted 3 years.

I afraid in the end, having a second surgery is a question of time, since the my guts are getting worse slowly.

Thanks all of you for your comments.
Hey Sebastien! Welcome to the boards!! I wanted to let you know that there is a thread about strictoplasty's (sp?) in the Treatment part of the forum...just thought you might want to take a looksie :)
Welcome to the forum Braveheart. My sister lives in BA and I'll be down there in May for my nephew's 1st birthday. I spent 4 months there in 06'.

Hope you're successful in delaying that second surgery. Lots of info here about different diets and things you can do to help. But don't wait until you're bursting open.

Go easy at the parrilla's and don't drink too much yerba mate.
“Dulce de leche”, “no me hinches mas las pelotas”, “mate” and “parrilla” are VERY Argentinean, definitively.

You guys really surprised me, you have more information about Argentina than the typical sad news seen on CNN.

I also live in Buenos Aires; Sojourn if you are taking 6mp consider buying some here because I think it is far cheaper than in the US. I don’t think you will need it but just in case I recommend a practitioner:
Don’t forget to go for a walk to “Puerto Madero”, the old harbor.
And “Parque Rivadavia” square / “Avenida Rivadavia” avenue.

Have a good time, and thanks all of you for your comments

Thanks for the info. I don't take 6mp but will keep that place in my mind if I have any trouble while there.

I haven't been to Puerto Madero or to Parque Rivadavia. I have been to some of the historic places like Cafe Tortoni and an old metal shop. It seems like we mostly went out to eat (ugh), and over to friends of my sister's family to drink wine. And taking the kids to the park and around different places.
Hi Sebastian!
I know how you feel about delaying surgery.
What meds have you tried?
I like to leave surgery as a last resort, myself.
Welcome to the forum!
Scientists say that red wine extends life... who knows. But my current treatment is not red wine even I like it.
I am taking Purinethol (6 mercaptopurine), Entocort (budesonide) and rifaximin, which is an antibiotic. I've been on mercaptopurine for years almost free of symptoms but now Crohn is bothering me again.

Thanks all of you for your greeting and comments.
welcome! gotta say i can relate to Dr's saying "nothing is wrong" then waking up one day to find out they were wrong and you were right! Hope surgery goes well, I haven't had one yet, but I know it is just a matter of time *sigh*

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