I don't have a great opinion of doctors in general and they've earned that opinion. I was lied to just like in the movie Knocked Up. I chose my GYN because he agreed to be there when I delivered. When we made the call to say that we were on our way to the hospital, he told me that he was going hunting with his father! I said, "But you promised you would be there..." He said, "I know, but my father is getting older..." My husband and I were in shock when we had to have a doctor we'd met once, months earlier, deliver our first son.
Doctors' #1 concern is being sued. So, they often order an insane numbers of tests
and don't concern themselves with how expensive or painful they might be.
One scared us into letting him do a spinal tap on our then toddler son and when the results came back negative for meningitis, he wanted to take a plug of flesh from his thigh. When my husband refused, he basically said, "You are going to be sorry!"
Thankfully, my husband was correct and we didn't have to be sorry. But, it was scary to go against his advice, even as unwarrented as it seemed. He was the doctor!
I've learned to be skeptical. I no longer assume a doctor has my or my child's best interest at heart, although many do. I go into every medical situation feeling like I have to be a backseat driver, which is stressful and exhausting.
My daughter, the RN said she doesn't have time to be as caring with her patients as she'd like to be because she has to do so many ridiculous procedural things to "cover her own ass".
The system is broken.