Recent content by Akflesch

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

  1. A

    Best of the best?

    Thank you! If you have any resources you have found that are helpful and can send on that would be great. I looked her up and will see about reaching out, depending on insurance, etc.
  2. A

    Best of the best?

    Thank you! This is really helpful. I'm not sure if you have any experience with your kids with constipation? He is struggling with that and has done a full clean out of Miralax and it keeps coming back. Dose 3 of Inflectra last week. He also has to be on a low fiber diet from strictures. I'm...
  3. A

    Best of the best?

    Do you know of any conferences non-medical professionals can attend that are beneficial?
  4. A

    Ankle pain and new rash

    He is on 25 mg; he's been on 35 since November because he had a bowel obstruction and a hospital stay due to a stricture. We are weaning down every week now. The doc said it doesn't look Crohn's related and neither do the mouth sores, but I find it a coincidence he is having them then...
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    Best of the best?

    Thank you this is helpful! I just want to make sure he's getting the best care as some things have been missed and I don't want to miss anything more.
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    Best of the best?

    This is helpful thank you! Things have been missed that could have been prevented or treated earlier and resulted in an ambulance ride and hospital visit; while the doctors are nice, I also want to make sure I'm giving my son the best care, especially since I know we have years and years of...
  7. A

    Ankle pain and new rash

    Last night he just had a few hive like bumps on his leg and torso. I’m hoping it stays that way but where I used to not be so worried about little symptoms I’m now nervous since he’s had complications. He is already on prednisone. This disease is awful and I just want to do whatever I can to...
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    Best of the best?

    As I have a newly diagnosed 11 year old son with Crohn's, I want to know who the frontiers are in research and treatment. I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin, so statewide, nationwide, does anyone know how to find this information? With 75 pages of Research and News it's a lot to read through and is...
  9. A

    Ankle pain and new rash

    This is good to know. I sent pics to his doc-we have a dr. in Children's Milwaukee.
  10. A

    Achilles tendon enthesitis caused from crohn's disease

    Hello-my son is 11 and was just diagnosed with Crohn's. He has had 2 doses of Inflectra and is currently experiencing a lot of ankle pain in both ankles. Please let me know if you find solutions. I'm going to get him into a physical therapist and a rheumatologist.
  11. A

    Ankle pain and new rash

    Oh this is great information thank you!
  12. A

    Ankle pain and new rash

    Hello-do any kids with Crohn’s have extreme ankle joint pain? He also just developed hive like rashes tonight and I’m worried it could develop into something worse as I’m reading about skin rashes and Crohn’s. We are going to do physical therapy for his ankles and he has compression braces, but...
  13. A

    Son with Stricture and Partial Bowel Obstruction

    We aren’t doing anything right now except play exercise and walking, biking. We have light weights (3, 5 pounds) when he is up for it.
  14. A

    Son with Stricture and Partial Bowel Obstruction

    This is really helpful. Thank you so much!