Recent content by Becky

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  1. Becky

    Questions about pregnancy while on remicade

    I was on remicade through my second pregnancy and everything turned out great. I have heard people stay at 32wks and go back after baby is born
  2. Becky


    My copay for it is $10 a month.
  3. Becky

    Remicade over time

    I have been on remicade for 5 yrs and my experience is similar to yours. I started at 8 wks and then after a few years they bumped me to every 6wks. Then I had to go on 6mp with the remicade. I am 2 wks from my next infusion and I am having symptoms. Sometimes it last the whole time and...
  4. Becky

    When Remicade No Longer Works?

    I have been on remicade for 5 yrs. At first it was every 8 weeks. THen I started flaring at week 7 so my GI put me on every 6wks instead. I was still having issues with that so now I am still on every 6 wks and I also take 6mp. Like others have said I would see about adding another drug with...
  5. Becky


    THank you very much!! I thought I had to give up sweets and that is the hardest for me. It is nice to know I can still have cake and cookies!!
  6. Becky


    I really think I need to change my diet. I have been looking into the SCD but there are some many of the "good" foods that I can not eat. I have no idea what I would eat.
  7. Becky

    Why does my stomach keep growling?

    My stomach is like that all the time. I was never told why but it has never been a problem.
  8. Becky

    What do you eat?

    Well thanks
  9. Becky

    Need life insurance company!!

    I was able to get in through an organization my husband is part of. I was only able to get a 10 yr term and it wasnt for as much as I wanted but at least it is something. Not sure what is going to happen when the term is up.
  10. Becky

    What do you eat?

    I also want to eat healthier to get in shape too. It is just frustrating when a lot of the healthly food are not good for me. Stuff like whole wheat, salads, some fruits.
  11. Becky

    What do you eat?

    I want to change my diet to see if it helps. On top of all the foods I can not eat do to the crohns, I am also a picky eater. I pretty much only eat chicken, occasionally have red meat but not much. Breakfast and snack ideas are the hardest to come up with.
  12. Becky

    1st treatment, normal day?

    Yes you can eat
  13. Becky

    Take Steps walk

    Do you guys participate? If so how do you fundraise? I am having a hard time with that. Right now I am having a FB auction but really only getting family to participate. I know a lot of people fundraise at work but I am the only employee so that doesnt work. Just looking for some ideas! Thanks
  14. Becky

    Crohns/colitis awareness

    I looked on the website and there are 3 different walks in New Jersay.
  15. Becky

    Colonoscopy-take 2

    The prep is not working again. All it did last night was make me sick and throw up. It is working some this morning which makes me think I need to start it much earlier. My Dr doesnt have me starting the miralax until 4pm. As soon as my Dr office opens I am calling them. I do not want to go...