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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    Newly “diagnosed” 7-year old - confused mom

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I truly appreciate it. I’ve started the process to get an opinion from CHOP. In the interim anything else I should press my GI team about?
  2. B

    Newly “diagnosed” 7-year old - confused mom

    They didn’t biopsy his ileum. Just saw the lesions on the pill cam. Just biopsied the parts the endoscope could reach (esophagus, duodenum and stomach). They saw lesions with the scope that they biopsied 3x total after 3 scopes and all pathology reports said that gastritis and duodenitis was...
  3. B

    Newly “diagnosed” 7-year old - confused mom

    Hi everyone. New here. My “so healthy he never missed a day of school out sick” 7 yr old son is presenting with an atypical CD case and it’s been a scary and confusing time. So I’m wondering if any of you all have dealt with a similar situation. I’m desperate to talk to any other parents who...