Recent content by grumpyoldwoman

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. grumpyoldwoman

    New here

    Hi everybody, although I have had Crohn's diagnosed in 1996 following an emergency resection I have never been on any medication and have since managed to control symptoms by controlling what I eat and by now I know what does and does not agree with me. I do have what I suppose are flare-ups...
  2. grumpyoldwoman

    Waiting for appointment

    Good to hear you got a result - fingers crossed the meds will work for you.
  3. grumpyoldwoman

    Waiting for appointment

    Glad to hear that, probably a good idea to take time off to give yourself time to think and concentrate on what you want to say/ask.
  4. grumpyoldwoman

    Waiting for appointment

    Hi Ally, just thought I'd cheer you up - I've had Crohn's for 30 years, in fact for most of my life. It was not diagnosed until I was literally at death's door, I kept being sent home and told it was "just a bug, probably". Things have changed a lot since then though and the doctors are more...
  5. grumpyoldwoman

    Lichen Planus

    Hi Grotbags, I do not have lichen planus, but lichen sclerosus, which is similar but tend to occur in the nether regions (around the vagina). Following resection in 1995 I am also med-free and was reluctant to go down the heavy dose steroid cream path. I lived in Germany for a few years and...
  6. grumpyoldwoman

    Vaginal lesion

    Although this is quite an old thread I would just like to add that I, too, have had the lichen thing for a few years now, having had Crohn's for more than 30 years, with a major resection in 1995. Since then I have been very lucky to be able to manage the Crohn's by diet/lifestyle and am not on...