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  1. L

    How to travel overseas with 1 year of Skyrizi? let's brainstorm

    It's already been approved by the pharm company. Just made a simple request. I just got the simple Abbyvee travel cooler but it literally only fits 1x box of Skyrizi. I guess I'll need to remove the box (packaging) from the actual Skyriki OBI. That seems to be the only way to fit multiples.
  2. L

    How to travel overseas with 1 year of Skyrizi? let's brainstorm

    i just got my first Skyrizi OBI.. and the box (with the medicine info on it) is pretty huge.. it's bigger than expected.. it's OK to take the OBI out of the box right? I'm definitely going to need to consolidate weight and space. So if I leave the OBI in the medicine box.. the "travel cooler"...
  3. L

    How to travel overseas with 1 year of Skyrizi? let's brainstorm

    because I'm a tourist in all of these countries.. and it would take a long time (years) to find a solution or alternative to that.. so having a different status isn't an option either. Because someone from AbbyVee asked me whether I could apply for their help in other countries. But I already...
  4. L

    How to travel overseas with 1 year of Skyrizi? let's brainstorm

    I started Skyrizi a few months ago. Just finished the third infusion and I'm about to switch to the on-body injectors. The complicated thing is my partner and kids live overseas.. so even I'm a U.S resident and only a tourist when I'm overseas.. but now I need to figure out how to carry 1 year...
  5. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    I started Skyrizi last week on Wednesday. I didn't notice any side effects for the first two days.. but on Friday and Saturday started getting waves of nausea in the daytime (unusual because typically just had nausea at night).. and also some minor headaches (also coming in waves).. and general...
  6. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    During the August flare.. I almost didn't eat any food for 2.5 weeks.. except a few small bites of egg white, chicken, and plain rice porridge each day.. I've gone a day or half a day before blood tests or medical procedures without eating (effectively fasting) and I always feel terrible when I...
  7. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    the other time I get nauseous pain usually is in between meals.. so I find myself needing to eat more often than before.
  8. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    I definitely have active inflammation.. I get woken up by nauseous pain every night after only 5 hours of sleep. That's why I'm eager to start the Skyrizi. I just hope it can help quickly and I can finally get a good sleep after months of hardly sleeping. My primary Crohn's symptom is really...
  9. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    calprotectin has always been normal too. I'm curious if you know what treatments could be useful for the ulcers? The doctors in both Singapore and here in the U.S didn't prescribe anything specifically for ulcers. We've been just trying to get me the Skyrizi to try. So far I'm only taking...
  10. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    Forgot to share.. My CRP is always within normal range every time I've been tested, maybe because of the anti-inflammatory diet I've been eating for years, way before Crohn's diagnosis? But the 7 or so ulcers and moderate inflammation they found at my terminal ilium is what led to Crohn's...
  11. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    That's great to hear! I'm glad your son is doing well. The doctor told me that although Skyrizi is newer but it seems to have less side effects for most patients than Remicade. I'm glad to hear though that you and your son respond well to Remicade.
  12. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    In my case, my body feels bad when I eat too much meat and I feel depressed. I definitely gravitate toward fresh fruits and veggies. I don't have the "stereotypical" food intolerances that some Crohn's patients have. My body generally responds better to moderate amounts of fruits and veggies...
  13. L

    Starting Skyrizi next week.. need some support and some questions

    I had been experiencing mild Crohn's symptoms for 3.5 years. I didn't even know what it was until just 5 months ago. Then everything exploded with Crohn's symptoms in August. 2 weeks where I couldn't eat anything.. needed to be hospitalized.. 24/7 cramping pain.. joint pain.. severe fatigue. I...
  14. L

    Entyvio Receives FDA Approval for Injectable Version

    @Scipio sorry to ask but I wonder if I could ask your advice on my post in this forum? My G.I asked me.. "what biologic do you want to try first?" I have a lot of concerns about systematic side effects or even bad reactions some people have to biologics the first time. I think perhaps Skyrizi...