Recent content by PENWESTERN

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. P

    Can Crohn's cause Sinus Problems?

    I had sinus problems galore during a recent flare. I had crusty blood in my nose. GI specialist was unable to help. I had skin ulcers. Everything healed with no scarring. Distant memory. Now I take my maintenance drugs. I was not at the time.
  2. P

    CCFC Spring Education Symposiums

    CCFA is having a symposium in Rosemont Il. near O'Hare Airport north of Chicago on 4/4/09 and I will be attending. This will be my third time but I have not attended the past five years. I am interested in new treatments on the horizon and how to keep free of disease after a resection. I...
  3. P

    Mouth Ulcers?

    outh Ulcers = Yup! I have had crohns since dx in 1999. I had my worst flare in Nov and ulcers appeared on the roof of my mouth and on my guns for the very first time ever. Painful. One string bean felt like a hundred bees stinging me. I also had gingivitis with all the inflammation. A...
  4. P

    Remicade - How long do the infusions take?

    I understand Remicade is better. I think they usually save Humira if unable to take Remicade for whatever reason. The first infusion may take three hours and then two hours thereafter. Mark33180 seems to have won the infusion jack pot. Mine has a bunch of people and each recliner has a TV...
  5. P

    Uh oh, am i in prednisone withdrawal?

    Hello, What you describe sounds familiar for people who have told me they ache after Prednisone. You could see if you can drag the taper out a little longer. I have had horrible headaches and stiffness but it goes away in a couple of days. Tylenol helps me. I doubt it is the Imuran. I am...
  6. P

    Meds after Small Bowel Resection - CD

    Wolfie, I take Imuran and Remicade every eight weeks and B-12 shot monthly. I Good luck! I hope you can also keep the CROHNS away! Far away!
  7. P

    Home from surgery

    Wolfie, I could have written your story. I had 12 inches of ileum/cecum removed mid Feb. I also felt fine afterwards but had a stiff shoulder. I am now in PT because my arm became real stiff and Physical Therapist believes it is all the steroids I took for the past three months as well as...
  8. P

    Remicade? Every 6 weeks or 8 weeks?

    Thank you all. I certainly do not want the inflammation back but Remicade makes me very tired and I do not like IVs. My arm gets stiff afterwards. I have been told to shake your arm out several times during the day to prevent stiff shoulder etc. THANK YOU! Claritan is a great idea...
  9. P

    Remicade? Every 6 weeks or 8 weeks?

    Hi, I wonder after the three inductions how many CD patients take Remicade every six weeks? I thought it was every 8 weeks. Does an infusion wipe you out too?
  10. P

    Prednisone Hunger

    Prednisone is my biggest problem with crohns disease. I am so worried about weight gain and puffiness while on that evil drug that I tend to eat very little. It seems no matter how little I eat the weight never goes down. My last taper started at 60 mg.
  11. P

    Monthly B-12 Injections

    I had an ileocecectomy last month and twelve inches of ileum/cecum were removed. I am going to be taking monthly B-12 injections. Anyone have thoughts or advice? Any experience? I am also on Remicade (300 mg) and Imuran (50 mg) to keep the inflammation away.
  12. P

    I'm having surgery April 7th

    I had a hand assisted lapropscopic ileocectomy where the surgeon removed one foot total of ileum and cecum. It was severely inflamed to four times a normal intestine. I also had a stricture and lots of inflammation but nothing else. I was able to walk the next day and felt more pain from the...
  13. P

    Anyone use Probiotics?

    Hi! My surgeon gave me a free week's supply of Florastor which I have not finished yet. I already went to Walgreens and purchased another bottle. I had a small bowel resection on 2/11 and am going to try to keep remaining intestines healthy if possible.
  14. P

    Florastor Anyone?

    Greg, Thanks for letting me know I need at least 5 billion. I am taking two capsules which means 10 billion. COPY & PASTED from Florastor website: Florastor® the #1 Probiotic Worldwide – A Dietary Supplement Each capsule of Florastor contains: Saccharomyces boulardii lyo 250mg equivalent to...
  15. P

    Meds After Resection

    I see my GI Dr. next week and wlll inquire about Humira but I have already been told he believes Remicade (ugh!)is my best bet. It is time comsuming and after six days in hospital and a horribly stiff arm I hesitate to take another IV. I do take 50 mg Imuran right thru the surgery. I hope...