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  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    It's a funny old day....bright sunshine alternating with heavy showers every few minutes and quite a cool breeze......but we chanced a...
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    Be kind to yourself Patsy, the work will still be there next week
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to PC TX's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Like Like.
    Another clear, hot day (86°F) with mild breeze. I raked up piles of oak leaves but ran out of steam before gathering to put in compost...
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to Tony H's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Like Like.
    Nice bright sunny day but a cold easterly wind is bringing temps down 5C
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    Cool with short sharp wintery showers today
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    Yesterday I came across a TV prog. I had never seen,called ALONE where folk are dropped off seperately in Labrador and have to survive...
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to Bufford's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Like Like.
    I laughed out loud when I read about the tent flying behind the snowmobile Carol. People do sometimes tie their fishing shelters to...
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to Cross-stitch gal's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Hug Hug.
    I totally agree as far as the time change!!! It's horrible for those of us who work swing shift and get home either just before...
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to PC TX's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Like Like.
    It's 5:30pm and my thermometer says it's 83F on my porch. Nice! I went out at noon and worked in the yard a couple of hours. I decided...
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to Tony H's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Hug Hug.
    Hey Patsy I was on it a couple of years continuously the last time pre op , up to about 80mg through IV at the end, After my sub total...
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    Cold breeze and a wee bit sleety, we're about 8-10 degs lower than a few days ago.....
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    We have a TV show about when things go wrong and I remember two guys ice fishing and one had to go off on the ski thingy to pick their...
  • scottsma
    scottsma reacted to Bufford's post in the thread Weather or Not ? with Like Like.
    Today was rough getting up, but far better than back in the working days. The spring time change did not bother me when working shifts...
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    No rain but a chill wind and grey. Our clocks go forward at the end of the month and I agree with you comments on the issue Buff
  • scottsma
    scottsma replied to the thread Weather or Not ?.
    OMG!!!! regarding you're nephew plunging through an ice hole..Les was a tad more expletive hahaha.You seem to be having a rough time...