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  1. T

    First proper flare since Crohns diagnosis

    🤞🏻 I was on Humira, I thought it worked great but I promptly built up antibodies to it. Good luck. It’s a good med. trish
  2. T

    First proper flare since Crohns diagnosis

  3. T

    First proper flare since Crohns diagnosis

    I had good luck with budenefalk (Budesonide). They might keep you on it for awhile after your Adalimumab starts. Good luck with your new treatment Crohns diagnosed 2012 Currently on entivyo Infused every 4 weeks
  4. T

    Alternative to Entocort?

    It sounds good. I built up antibodies to humira, I’ve been on quite a few things. don’t forget the folic acid while taking methotrexate. I eventually had to stop methotrex. But took it for quite awhile before it started creating problems. I know about the expenses!!! Unbelievable! you have...
  5. T

    Alternative to Entocort?

    Thank you for all your Stelara information Trish
  6. T

    Alternative to Entocort?

    Hi Lynda My NP told me to take 60 days of Budesonide between the Stelara infusion and my first injection. I stopped and did fine. My first injection worked well. I started not feeling well about 50 days after infusion. I guess the Budesonide kept me from feeling worse. The injection is a...
  7. T

    Alternative to Entocort?

    I would be very curious what happens. good luck
  8. T

    Alternative to Entocort?

    Yes, ask.
  9. T

    Bile acid

    hi. I haven’tbeen around for some time. I’m on Stelara (new to me). After failing Humira,remicade, 6mp, Cimzia and my latest Simponi. I just received the Stelara infusion 4 weeks ago. I’m not sure if it will work. I’m also taking budesomide(Works great) BUT...ON THE TOPIC OF OMEPRAZOLE I”m...
  10. T

    Simponi on ice and waiting.

    Hi I'm new to this forum. I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2013, at age 60. I've tried 6mp, remicade, humira, cimzia and now...I just picked up the Simponi. I'm so hesitant to take it. None of the other's have worked, or worked for long. I think the Cimzia made my symptoms worse and I was on...