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  1. Trysha

    Last one wins PG version 4.0

    The skin problem seems to have gone away..thanks to the prednisone Carol. I have to repeat lab work …potassium is low. feeling a bit better each day. Sorry about your side effects and hope they soon resolve. it seems the time of year for sleep problems…hope you will soon be back to normal...
  2. Trysha

    Last one wins PG version 4.0

    several times now have woken in middle of the night and passed out twice.It is very quick and I make sure to sit upright for the rest of the night Anyone else get this happeniing to them. Drs office called today. Said to repeat potassium blood level since it is low. I have not felt well this...
  3. Trysha

    My first robotic surgery experience

    Robotic surgery seems to be like this….I had it two years running…first right side colon removed and the following year most of the left side. very neat recovery…I did have to stay in hospital for two weeks.. Hope everything continues well for you
  4. Trysha

    Has anyone ever experienced swooshing sound in their ears and do you know if it’s related to Crohns

    Maybe you let some fluid into your ear while bathing. could also be an ear infection….check it out with your should not be happening
  5. Trysha

    Visually scope looks inflamed -biopsy normal

    Raised CRP is indicative of inflammation. Cte and Scope are indicating the presence of moderate to severe inflammation Sounds like UC....could also be one of the other inflammatory conditions.... The negative biopsy could be a result of sampling a negative area...this is why multiple biopsies...
  6. Trysha

    Not having it

    Hello MizzSarah, Sorry things are so poorly for you right now and hope for better things for you. Perhaps you should be talking to your family doctor or GI specialist about your current problems, there may be some help from them...perhaps a change of meds..... Hope you will make an appointment...
  7. Trysha

    Vomiting Blood

    Hospitals can be lonely places especially at weekends. I have just been discharged after a i really feel for you. Are you receiving medications like proton pump inhibitors...very effective in the treatment of ulcers. It sounds like a high dose of prednisone that you are receiving...
  8. Trysha

    Just looking for some advice

    It is a good idea to have a consult with a gastroenterologist and a little surprising that your family doctor did not suggest that I have had Hashimotos thyroiditis for thirty years and it is well. controlled with preceded the crohns which started ten years ago. It is a bit...
  9. Trysha

    Trouble Swallowing

    Trouble is that crohns is one of the sneakiest conditions to endure. Some doctors are miracle workers but in the end they are also people like ourselves and at times can be at a loss of knowing what next to do . Quite often they come up with something to help. Something to be thankful for.. Not...
  10. Trysha

    Trouble Swallowing

    Its good to know whats going on even though we may not like the end result. As you say this is a rare area for crohns...although crohns can attack anywhere in the body. It is a relief to get diagnosed and treated....lets hope it will swiftly respond to treatment. Its good that you will have a...
  11. Trysha

    Trouble Swallowing

    Perhaps you should check in with the GI...someone needs to investigate the problem. When i experienced esophageal narrowing the GI expanded it...worked very well and thats over a year ago. It all depends on the cause...but you should not let it continue....get the experts to investigate. So...
  12. Trysha


    It might be time to check with his doctor......may be the begining of adverse reaction....
  13. Trysha

    VERY urgent, frequent BM’s

    A second opinion is definitely in order... I had this problem for just over four help from the GI or GP. I asked my physiotherapist ..acupuncturist if he could help...he did the acupuncture and the misery of constant bathroom runs stopped same day very dramatically. Then symptoms...
  14. Trysha

    Does esophageal stricture correlate to intestinal stricture?

    The acupuncture needles are painless...and i have up to twenty + inserted at each session. I dont look while they are going in and in no time the physiotherapist/acupuncturist is finished. He frequently checks back ,asks questions sometimes adjust or twirl a particular needle depending on how i...
  15. Trysha

    Does esophageal stricture correlate to intestinal stricture?

    I have colon and esophageal strictures...which did occur at the same time and were treated by the GI.last year This year the colon stricture was treated with balloon endoscopy had reached a diameter of 1-2 mmms and was stretched to 15mm. The esophageal stricture has not (yet) returned. The...