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  1. T

    hello everyone

    Infusion went great, so I got to go home last night!
  2. T

    hello everyone

    I am starting my first remicade infusion tonight while still at the hospital. I’m very nervous but hoping it all goes well. I am also being put on steroids once I am discharged to help my symptoms. I have been relieved and distraught after my diagnosis. Relieved to have clarity, and very...
  3. T

    hello everyone

    I have been diagnosed. Colon crohns is my diagnosis after the scopes. Waiting for biopsies still & pill cam results…. but i am excited to start real treatment soon. it has been a long journey and i know it’ll continue, but i’m relieved to finally have answers and possible solutions. they found...
  4. T

    hello everyone

    I’ve pretty much just been on fluids and am having colonoscopy/endoscopy wednesday. Very nice to have pain meds here that actually help, unlike at home. my inflammation levels are elevated, but my ct was normal during my ER visit. i’m staying overnight until my scopes and biopsies are done at...
  5. T

    hello everyone

    I have now been sent to the ER and was told by my doctor (who is on call today) that they will admit me today. So i’m hoping for some real fix to all these issues soon
  6. T


    I totally understand your frustration, im having similar issues and have been for about 4 years. It’s super tough to deal with symptoms and not have a straightforward answer to what’s going on. i wish i had better advise for you, but all i’m doing is hoping and waiting that my doctors are really...
  7. T

    hello everyone

    My doctor saw me on Friday and had me do a stool sample which i turned in that day. I’ve been miserably waiting to hear back results on it and see what else will be done.. I’ve had to put in a LOA at work due to this flare up. My doctor seems to think I could have c diff, but is not certain...
  8. T

    hello everyone

    Sadly my doctors office will not return my phone calls, Ive called twice and leave two voicemails, one to their nurse line and one to the appointment line trying to get them to see me or at least talk to me about what’s going on. Super annoying that they have no one answering phones anymore and...
  9. T

    hello everyone

    To Update, I saw my new doctor last week and got a colonoscopy and pill cam scheduled for april 17 to hopefully obtain a diagnosis. They also did an IBD panel where apparently my results were normal, which is extremely frustrating as I have been flaring up for over a month now and am being told...
  10. T

    Crohn’s and POTS anyone?

    I’m not diagnosed with both, but I’ve had my concerns about POTS. I for sure have some type of IBD, they claimed UC at first and then CD, but never got a formal diagnosis. I’ve had a ton of POTA symptoms similar to those that you listed. I overheat constantly and feel lightheaded and fatigued...
  11. T

    hello everyone

    I’m 20 years old and was kind of diagnosed with crohns when i was 16/17. I never had stomach or bathroom issues until the summer i was turning 17. I was going on vacation and all of the sudden started having tons of blood in my stool and flew back home to see a GI there. They admitted me and did...