Hobbies and Interests

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Nov 29, 2024
Hi all!

I like to get to know people and I think hobbies and interests are a great way to do that!

What do you all do for fun? I know Chron's can make a lot of things harder, but is there something you really enjoy that you get to do on a regular basis? Maybe a sometimes hobby that you like?

I'm a big reader. Give me a book, and a decent light source (my eyes are getting old) and I am as pleased as I can be. I also enjoy foraging, so most of my reading is on that including medicinal herbs, edible plants, and really anything you can use if you find it growing.

What are young guys into?
Big reader of fantasy and historical fiction. Also mysteries (often with historical themes).

When I have the time, I love to game. I grew up in the 80s and video games sucked back then (I know the nostalgic crowd loves them but I lived it and I remember being in arcades and playing on
my old apple 2 and thinking THIS SUCKS!

And then I got a really big complication after surgery # 6 Like BIG. 1 1/2 years of home care.

Bought an xbox 360. Started out with Fable (because I am a fantasy DnD nerd) and now…

the problem is that I don’t have much time. But I play with my boys. And by myself, I’ve slowly and casually made it through many big RPG video games and oh my goodness, gaming is amazing today.

So yeah. Gaming.

I also love music. I love Jazz. I live in Montreal so we have lots of jazz.

And some of the new jazz artists today are doing things that Davis, Hancock, Coltrane and Monk would be so proud of. Most of the artists I listen to are in their twenties.

The rest of my hobbies all have to do with doing fun stuff with my boys (10 year old twin boys!)
Big reader of fantasy and historical fiction. Also mysteries (often with historical themes).

When I have the time, I love to game. I grew up in the 80s and video games sucked back then (I know the nostalgic crowd loves them but I lived it and I remember being in arcades and playing on
my old apple 2 and thinking THIS SUCKS!

And then I got a really big complication after surgery # 6 Like BIG. 1 1/2 years of home care.

Bought an xbox 360. Started out with Fable (because I am a fantasy DnD nerd) and now…

the problem is that I don’t have much time. But I play with my boys. And by myself, I’ve slowly and casually made it through many big RPG video games and oh my goodness, gaming is amazing today.

So yeah. Gaming.

I also love music. I love Jazz. I live in Montreal so we have lots of jazz.

And some of the new jazz artists today are doing things that Davis, Hancock, Coltrane and Monk would be so proud of. Most of the artists I listen to are in their twenties.

The rest of my hobbies all have to do with doing fun stuff with my boys (10 year old twin boys!)

What's your favorite series? I got really into LotR when I was younger but I'm always looking for new series.
What's your favorite series? I got really into LotR when I was younger but I'm always looking for new series.
I have a lot of favorites. But perhaps at the top of the list in the fantasy genre are the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the unbeliever by stephen donaldson an old series, originally started in the 1970s but got an update in the 21st. Very introspective and a wonderful series of mind plays, both allegorical and realistic, visceral and philosophical.

In the historical fiction genre the Bernicia Chronicles by Mathew Harrfy, very macho and tough, a bit pulpy, but based on real history....as much as we have from the 7th and 8th centuries. Fast paced and great characters. A much more recent series, I don't think the author is done yet, the 11th book of the series just got published last year. (I haven't started 10 yet) https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/the-bernicia-chronicles/

Good reading!
I have lived rural all my life, enjoying time in the forest and out in the canoe, I heat my home primarily with wood. Life changing surgery in 2001 left me with a stoma which only made me more determined to live rural instead of moving into senior's apartments. Despite living with Chrons and having had another surgery for strictures last year, I still live in my country house. I had to buy a wood splitter and hang up the splitting axe, but my oil furnace has not run since before Christmas as I keep the wood furnace running. One could say that firewood processing is a hobby as it takes a good part of the year to prepare for winter. We have had cold weather well down below -20C over the past few weeks, it takes quite a bit of wood. I enjoy the independence, I hunt and fish, and doing these things I can live on my meager income quite well.
Subsistence, living is my lifestyle, and hobby too as it keeps me both busy and satisfied. I get rewarded by nature's amazing moments, like the night sky and all its beauty. It is not always easy, but enjoy each day, for life is a gift.
One of my favorite pleasures in the wintertime is going cross country skiing on the lakes and trails we have here. It warms one up, and provides light aerobics, I can go to places not easily accessible in the summer months. It costs me nothing other than a little bit of ski wax I use underfoot to provide some grip to step forward. Its cold today, -23C this morning, but the movement will keep one warm even with such cold temperatures. The blood circulation is good for managing chrons, and there is nothing better than being out in nature.
I have loved and ridden horses my entire life. Winston Churchill once said "there is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man". They have helped me to maintain a positive attitude on the bad days, given me a reason to have to get up in the morning, and loved me even when I look terrible. They are probably the reason that my journey with Crohn's disease and the accompanying surgeries have been a series of blips on my radar rather than an all-consuming life sentence.