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  1. EDZEL

    Constipation following a Colonoscopy

    :thumright: It's okay (hopefully) - things finally started moving this morning! A whole week and half a day since the colonoscopy... would be very interested to hear if anyone else has experienced this, what did you do and possible causes, though!
  2. EDZEL

    Constipation following a Colonoscopy

    OK, this is a little embarrassing... :blush: Following my colonscopy last Thursday afternoon, I have not 'been' - lots of wind that evening and the next day but since then... nada. It did take from 4pm to 5am the following morning for the piccolax to work, but work nicely it did, allowing the...
  3. EDZEL

    Endoscopy and colonoscopy in two months.

    Hi tic-x Welcome to you from another Newbie - I had my third colonoscopy just two days ago and I want to reassure you (as others have done) that it is not so bad. I hadn't had one in nine years (kind of fell of the hospital radar I think!) and was dreading it TBH...but technology and drugs have...
  4. EDZEL

    Indigestion and unable to catch breath on Azathioprine

    Hello mee2u and welcome :ysmile: I'm afraid I can't answer your question about the Azo since I'm not familiar with that medication, but hopefully someone else may be able to. You might get a better response if you post a new thread in 'My Story' though, particularly if you title it something...
  5. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Good luck to you too, ThatsWhatSheSaid - I'm sure it's time something good came your way! *hug*
  6. EDZEL

    Time for my first trip to emergency?

    Hi Swirlwind Glad to hear that you are feeling a little bit better after your trip to the ER (we call it A & E here in the UK) and I really hope your Doctor can sort something out for you very soon. *Big hug*
  7. EDZEL

    Crohn's colitis/UC differences.

    Thanks, those were great links, very informative! I've never been offered any other treatment options - I think steroids were mentioned as a possibility at one point if the sulphasalzine became less effective, but both the consultant and I were of the opinion that it would be better to avoid...
  8. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Hi Starrgirrrl (great name - just hope I got the number of 'r's right!!) I'm aware of the pre-payment card and do have one in fact - but I wasn't aware of the HC1, 2 or 3 schemes - although I am not sure I would be eligible because I am able to work full time (thankfully) and because I live...
  9. EDZEL

    Not much support from spouse

    michaelearnest, it's truly shocking just how many local councils DON'T have any provision for IBD sufferers here in the UK, and sounds like its pretty much the same in the US too. I was horrified to read today that one of the train companies in the south of England plans to put in service trains...
  10. EDZEL


    How interesting! I've been taking sulphasalzine since 1984 and hadn't really thought that it might have side effects! (do I read the small print on the leaflet - no, of course I don't, LOL - I'd need a magnifying glass in any case!) I do recall that for a long time I was taking the uncoated...
  11. EDZEL

    Not much support from spouse

    I've been pretty much doing the same for the best part of 28 years, so you are not alone - I was coping with it (mostly) and felt that I didn't want to spend more time thinking about it than was strictly necessary to get through the day which kind of worked I suppose, but having now dipped a toe...
  12. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Oh, the very best of luck, 360! Let us know how you get on! :ysmile:
  13. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Thanks for putting me straight, Gus! I guess I must have picked up on talk about this back in 2008. In fact there is an article in today's online Guardian which updates this: - what a co-incidence that...
  14. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Hi Gus - but isn't it a fact that some prescriptions in the UK are 'free' if the condition is life-threatening? Heart problems or diabetes and so on? Or am I misinformed? Although if one lives in Scotland, aren't ALL prescriptions free?!? (bit of a sore point with some, to be sure)
  15. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Hi 360 Please don't worry, I didn't feel that you were disrespecting me at all! :ysmile: And thanks for both of your very detailed replies - it's great to hear about other people's experiences; kind of gives some perspective on my own! I took Immodium with me on holiday this year (first time...
  16. EDZEL

    Crohn's colitis/UC differences.

    Hi JamieG I agree that it would be useful to have a 'sticky post' on here which defines the two! I'm new here and having read posts from sufferers of both conditions. I'm now wondering if my diagnosis of UC was in fact correct as I seem to have some of the symptoms which Chron's sufferers also...
  17. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Oh gosh, it really does sound as if you need to change your Doctor! And aren't the insurance companies heartless?! I feel for you. Must confess to being horrified that you aren't allowed to use a client's restroom - to me, that seems like a flagrant violation of human rights!!! Is that a...
  18. EDZEL

    I got fired

    Hi 360 :ysmile: I'm not quite sure what you mean by a 'political flame war'...I certainly wouldn't want to get into an argument that 'mine's better than yours' or anything like that, since I don't really know enough about the US medical system to really judge, only know what I've read on here...
  19. EDZEL

    Gluten free. Yay or nay?

    Interesting! So are there likely to be certain types of foods which may exacerbate UC symptoms? Can you recommend any publications which might give me a clue where to start finding out what might work for me? I get that people may have different triggers, but is there a guide to basic groups of...
  20. EDZEL

    Skin inflammation, aching joints

    Hi and thanks to you both for your replies! I had not really twigged that the little scaly patches might be connected to my UC until reading this forum - like my GP, I think I just assumed that they were some kind of minor allergy to something I am eating, but since they are not really...