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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. LaurieBird

    Help...This is starting to make me nervous

    Woah, thanks. I guess I have to make an appointment then!
  2. LaurieBird

    Help...This is starting to make me nervous

    I started having weird eye things too! Its like I just can't focus in on things; like there is a big contrast between light and dark or something. The CCFA site days that people with Crohn's are supposed to see an eye doctor yearly, just in case I guess. But, in my opinion, I see enough doctors...
  3. LaurieBird

    Help Needed

    I have never had stomach pain with an infusion before, but the nurse always asks me if I had any the last time that I had an infusion when I go. I'd say drink an Ensure and wait it out with a heating pad. Sorry that you are having such a hard time!
  4. LaurieBird

    Has Anyone Used A Nutritionist?

    Personally, diet is really important for me. I didn't try changing what I ate until recently, after almost a decade of not caring. I kinda had no choice though, because none of the meds I was taking were helping at all. My GI doc referred me to a nutritionist who told me to go on a "low residue...
  5. LaurieBird

    Does diet really matter?? Food does not effect me, anyone else like this??

    For almost a decade, I thought I could eat whatever I wanted. I THOUGHT that foods did not affect me at all. I recently went on the low residue diet, and I swear to god it is life changing! I'd say nutrition is important, even if you don't think it is. At least avoid high residue/fiber foods...
  6. LaurieBird

    Urgent - Stomach Pain after Remicade HELP

    If its really bad, go to the ER. But, I'd say wait it out, you might just be starting a flair and it is unrelated to Remicade. I have never gotten pain with my infusions before, just a little light headed. Try a heating pad? Drinking an Ensure also always calms my tummy down. :3
  7. LaurieBird

    What EXACTLY will surgery be like?

    Help! Can anyone tell me exactly what it will be like to have surgery for Crohn's? My doctor is great and all, but I just want it straight. I don't think he is telling me everything! I've never had a big surgery like a resection and am freaking out! I am not sure if going through with it is...