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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. D

    Remicade Club Support Group

    I'm going for my second infusion in about a week here... My first was during a 9-day hospital stay, where I felt lousy and sick nearly the entire time. Then suddenly, Remicade! I've not felt better than this in months, truthfully. I'm not going 5+ times a day, but I'm going about once every 3...
  2. D

    What was your Crohn's (or Colitis) Misdiagnosed as?

    Constipation and gas was my first diagnosis, by the local pediatrician I always go to... Blood was no concern, and she acted like it was a common sort of issue. She gave me miralax and colase, and even preparation-H suppositories to use. Those were some yucky days xP Then, after nothing was...