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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    <BR><BR>My hips have always been an issue too! Every single time I stand up, my hips pop and it's an awful sound. it's been this way for years! I saw a Rheumy a few years ago before my celiac diagnosis and was tested for Lyme's, Lupus and RA. All negative. Now I'm just baffled by this stupid...
  2. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    <P>Hey everyone!</P> <P> </P> <P>Been in lots of pain again lately. My stomach hurts BADLY when I wake up in the morning which is odd because nothing is in it. My left side is back to aching, and I my lower left quadrant is very sore if I push on it. Someone else mentioned it but I ALWAYS have...
  3. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks Cat! I'm not too concerned, it was just a lot more than I'm used to seeing at one time! :ywow:
  4. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I'm glad it's not C. Diff but it sucks to get no sure answer!
  5. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh Cat! That is an odd situation with your Mom! So funny because my mom eats gluten free even though her Celiac test came back negative. Family are such a joy, aren't' they? On another note, this weekend I had a BM and it was covered in a white looking slime. Not sure if it was mucus...
  6. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Do any of you have to deal with negative family members and all this stuff? My mom has her own slew of problems (we both have hashimoto's) but she refuses to do any work in trying to feel better. She wont take meds for Fibro, she won't exercise or eat right, she just complains all the time how...
  7. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    thanks cat! I'm pretty much paleo, but I won't make it any more "severe"! LOL
  8. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Well, GI agreed to breath test! Next Friday at 8am.
  9. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks Cat! that helps! I'd been having a lot of feeling of "irritation" down there, and decided to take a look last night. It appears that something is "peaking out" so that is all I can imagine it to be. :eek:
  10. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Maybe I should try this... I'll have to look into it some more.
  11. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Interesting!!! I guess I wouldn't mind jumping to that route, but at the same time I really don't like the antibiotics unless they are necessary ( which I see they usually are with SIBO). I did one Whole100 and just finished a Whole60 and still had issues, but if it's the type of food I'm...
  12. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    oh yeah, I'm also sure I have a hemorrhoid too! Never had one in my life (that I know of) so this has been a joy.. :-/
  13. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Does anyone have experience with SIBO? I think this may be what I'm dealing with. I've been getting bloated and nauseous after eating, and it's gotten to the point where I don't even want to eat anymore. Last night after eating dinner, my stomach was so bloated/distended that I literally looked...
  14. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat- Interesting about the coconut! I do eat a lot of coconut stuff, so that's something to think about! The past few days have been weird. I've had this weird "urgent" need to go to the bathroom and everything is very "soft" which is not the norm for me. Usually I'm very constipated and...
  15. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Thanks for explaining Kelleh! I am glad they are doing the FULL one. I'm starting to wonder if it's actually my stomach vs. my intestines but I just don't know. I get so nauseous after I eat, and with certain things its much worse. I've stopped eating brussel sprouts because that seemed to be...
  16. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    another thing I thought of... I see an Endocrinologist for my thyroid stuff. They've taken my B12 several times over the past year. My B12 number keeps dropping. They did do the MMA test for Pernicious Anemia, but my result was normal. Still, my number drops. Could this be from a bowel issue...
  17. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I know I'm having a colonoscopy. Not sure what a "full" one means? They are also doing the upper part too. It was me who elected to have it in March, instead of sooner. I have too many things this month on the weekends and can't dedicate a sunday to sitting on the toilet all day. I...
  18. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hey all! Haven't been on in awhile. Was supposed to have my colonoscopy/Upper on 1/25 but we got three feet of snow and I had to reschedule! It's now scheduled for 3/14. My symptoms have died down a lot and I haven't had much if any pain lately. I almost didn't reschedule my procedure. I'm...
  19. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I've never heard of a stricture.. i'll have to look it up! But I'm wondering if this pain that I get is from backed up bowel that seems to bother this one spot!
  20. PaintedElephant

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat - Oh my goodness! Sounds like you had a rough time! I cannot imagine! Yesterday the LLQ pain was horrible until I was able to go to the bathroom. After the BM, the pain was pretty much gone. I started to get the pain again today, and went to the bathroom again and it's gone. I know...