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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    The thing is we are only having 6 month phone calls currently.. he knows the basics of his condition. Medicine hasn't changed. As things progress I of course will absolutely be explaining the why's. But for now he is just leading a normal life. No blood, normal Stools, he knkws the importance...
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    Iron tablet question

    Thanks delta I will take a look. I have been getting a sachet in him daily now I feel like I've seen an improvement.
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    he is a little down but that is because he isn't having the best time at school. That's another story. He is quite unaware of his 'condition' he doesn't even know what it's called, he has no need to worry about it yet and just has 6 monthly checks as symptom free. Lately he has told me that...
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    Iron tablet question

    Oh yes .... so not fresh orange - the one you mix with water! Squash? Hopefully that clears it up 😊
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    Iron tablet question

    Update Incase anyone needs ideas: Managing to get Spatone in to him with strong fresh icy orange squash once home from school and very hot/thirsty so he has been drinking it. Think I've seen more energy so will continue - he is unaware it's in there or turning a blind eye because mumma knows...
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    Iron tablet question

    Girl with the Curl - have you noticed a difference in energy levels? Glad it's agreeing with her
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    Iron tablet question

    Thanks both ... interesting re iron pots and pans! I managed to get a sachet of Spatone in him using a strong orange squash .. it's also very hot in london so he was v thirsty!! Il persevere before trying the tablets x
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    Iron tablet question

    Thanks He is very good at anything medical including taking his massive Pentasa tablets. But taste of stuff that's not nice is a no no (including bowel prep) It is literally the taste of the sachets - I'll try him again and reiterate it shouid make him feel more energetic!
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    Iron tablet question

    Just wanted to update here as might be helpful for anyone else The nurse said that as his other bloods are fine (think she means hermaglobin) that he doesn't need iron infusion. She said I can try the tablets but I don't want to incase it makes flare up etc I've tried liquid iron (spatone)...
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    My 10 Year old Diagnosed with Crohn's and Colitis

    Sorry to hear this My son was diognosed with ulcerated Colitis 1.5 years ago with the same symptoms. I haven't changed his diet at all as we wanted to see if there were any triggers, if I took anything away then we would never know. So far there are no triggers when it comes to food , and...
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    Thanks so much for the insightful post it really helps me to get advice from all of you on the board more experienced than myself... I'm glad to see that IBD shouldnt and won't stop athletic kids I think he is going through a typical teenage 'life is so unfair' 'I can't be bothered' phase...
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    Thanks Pilgrim and very good point. Interestingly I've just seen a post elsewhere from a U.K. mum whose son has calprotectin of 3000 on biologics etc but feels great, no symptoms or low iron, growing etc so consultants are keeping an eye
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    I don't really know what i am to do because everything I have read tells me that that number is showing inflammation But the consultants have seen his bloods/ FC etc and said no action This is london hospital supposedly with a very good IBD team so how can I argue with them?
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    Thanks all I've just spoken to his nurse and she said they are happy with his bloods (apart from Thyroid which is another story) he isn't actually anemic as checked hermaglobin was ok - ferratin slightly outside normal. All other markers for IBD normal. Fecal cal was around 200 so it's raised...
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    Thanks I have the nurse calling me for a check up in a couple of hours, she has his calprotectine results so will have to see what she says. I'm terrified of what she is going to say if I'm honest..
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    PS he has UC
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    Are your kids physicaly active?

    My son is 13, he is currently low in iron which we are hoping to get infusion (call with nurse this afternoon) but even when his bloods and stool tests are normal .. he is incredibly lazy. He gave up football which was a shame as he was very good. He says he just doesn't enjoy it. He doesn't...
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    Iron tablet question

    Hi - no not yet she said she wanted to look at all of his bloods to decide if it's needed. She must have these by now 😬 Waiting for stool test result as well.
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    Connecting Teens with IBD

    Wow he looks fab!!!! Well Done to your son!
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    Iron tablet question

    Nurse has offered an IV drip for him once she sees all blood results. It's been a year since the last one. I hope it perks him up a bit!