Mines got no hole in it. But hurts 24/7. Ct scan did show a small amount of fluid.
Ive got a small hole just below my belly button that clear fluid is draing from. Distric nurse dont want to know. So im disinfecting it twice a day and chainging dressing. Im also gonna get some iodine...
I found yogurt helps stoma to work. Also hot water bottle on the side helps stoma to work. Im suving on jam dogers and custard creams. And milk shakes.
Im intolerent to tramadol. So im taking paracetamol solubul., ibuprofin solubul, oralmorph,oxy.
Nothing touches the pain. The cushion thing my stoma nurse ordered for me is a joke. So im gonna order thick firm foam off ebay.
Hiya cheerbear. What possition did u find it easy to sleep. I havent slept in 6 days. Pain is not going down. And walking hurts. Wish they had a pain killer that works
Back home. Ct scan showed i had had a bleed that caused a hemotoma. Docs said best leave body to absorb it. My inflamatory markers have drop. Im in sooo much pain. Also trying a heat pad it helps a bit
God i wish they had some decent painkillers for this.
I havent slept since saturday. Plus stoma stoped working lastnight. Zero out put.my stoma nurse came at 8 am and has put hot water bottel on my left side. That has thank fully kick start stoma. I gotta go do bloods today.
Catherter bag that is secucured to one of ur legs with straps. Tense machine well ut zapps u with mild electric schocks. Also used for labour pains. Just like to say tense machine did no work me. :pika::pika:
Blader infection is ok. No pain there but catheter still in place till friday. Have a leg bag. The pain is from the op. And from were my back passage use to be.
Im gonna try a tense machine tonight.
Ok surgery was on 23rd. Came to hospital at 07.00.
Went for surgery at 09.00
They put a countinus eppi. Operation took 3 hours. From surgery they sent me to recovery then back to my ward. Epi had to be cranked up. My god the pain.
Day 2 oh dear. Eppi has made me loose all sensation on my left...
ooo turns out u cant get the special cushion from ur stoma nurse, the company that supplies ur bags etc can supply u with the cushion, if you get free prescription,