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  1. exit4

    Bioprosthetic fistula plug

    I also had Ileostomy for 2 years to heal absess/fistula. Fistula closed. I had a reversal and fistula came back -my rectal inflammation came back.
  2. exit4

    Bioprosthetic fistula plug

    I was not able to travel to Mayo for this trial - active flair on prednizone at the time. Humira worked great for 4 years, then my body adapted to it. Nothing else worked to heal/close my fistula. I am living with a seton now for 5 years. I am waiting for start of a new trial with direct...
  3. exit4

    Have You Had Martius Flap Surgery for RVF?

    I am sorry to her it was not a successful for you. Is the new direct injection of donor stem cells only for RVF? I am interested in it for rectal fistula. Best of luck!
  4. exit4

    Have You Had Martius Flap Surgery for RVF?

    Check this out: Stem Cell Coated Fistula Plug in Patients With Crohn's RVF
  5. exit4

    Bioprosthetic fistula plug

    This approach has a very low success rate. My experience was bad. Plug created terrible infection and abscess that needed to be drained. I had to be hospitalized on very strong IV antibiotics that killed all my good gut bacteria and got C diff. That was 9 years ego and for the first year C diff...
  6. exit4

    Video on new fistula treatment research at Mayo clinic

    Video on new treatment of fistula at Mayo clinic:
  7. exit4

    Is bleeding normal?

    I had the LIFT procedure (close the current internal opening and create a new opening outside all the muscle) - 30 min under anesthesia - it did not work for me -fistula re opened at the old spot. Check this video on new treatment research at Mayo clinic...
  8. exit4

    Is bleeding normal?

    My seton is in place now to prevent fistula re infection - outside opening closing while inside is not and that creates infection/abscess. I do not have pain or draining any more, just small discharge( I tape a small cotton gauze over) if I have a runny bowel movements. I run, swim and ride...
  9. exit4

    Is bleeding normal?

    Hope you find answers soon! I have had many and still have a fistula with a seton today - that's almost 5 years...The only time I had bleeding is right after abscess draining and one day after seton placement. As far as your wait time for a procedure/appointment - that is crazy! That is the...
  10. exit4

    How does mucosal healing occur?

    I think what the doc means is the outer mucosal layer heals first, then deeper layers. It makes sense to me: UC is top layer inflammation vs Crohn's deep layer inflammation with complications such as fistulas.
  11. exit4

    Filgotinib clinical Trial phase 2

    I have started on the Filgotinib clinical trial 5 weeks ego. My urgency went down a little, but my frequency down dramatically! Down to one or two BM per day! No improvements with fistula so far.
  12. exit4

    Chiropractic treatment

    I agree with D.Bergy - chiropractic helped me with sciatica issues years ego (that certainly was appreciated - less pain is always welcome) but did not improved my bloody diaria, cramps, urgency and 20 BM per day.
  13. exit4

    Clinical Trial: Filgotinib anyone?

    Hello. I have started on the Filgotinib clinical trial 5 weeks ego. My urgency went down a little, but my frequency down dramatically! Down to one or two BM per day! No improvements with fistula so far.
  14. exit4

    Short pred taper

    Hi. Yes, I have used a single dose before. I also had a 7 day prednisone protocol but with 20 mg starting dose.
  15. exit4

    Filgotinib clinical Trial phase 2

    Efficacy and Safety of Filgotinib in the Treatment of Perianal Fistulizing Crohn's Disease. Identifier: NCT03077412 I will be starting testing to see if I can participate in this study on Nov 1st. Its in a pill form - no shots or infusion. Will be reporting on my progress, or...
  16. exit4

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    To JennyT I had ileostomy reversal. My wound took about 4 months to stop draining. I had to go on antibiotics due to developing infection in the wound. It finally closed at about 5 months.
  17. exit4

    Perianal Fistula?

    It's possible that you have an abscess. I had many of them. May have to go on antibiotics. Check out posts in Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses sub group:
  18. exit4

    Temp. Ileostomy to heal fistulas -it worked!

    I was not sure that I could have a reversal - just that Ileostomy has a better chance for reversal. also, I did not have any sections of GI track removed, just colon bypass to heal rectal area.
  19. exit4

    Feeling Nervous

    Go to the ER if you feel pain, don't suffer. As far as " colon rupturing " - I don't think you would be on the computer typing this - that pain is not bearable. Good luck 2 u!
  20. exit4

    Advice on Applying for Disability

    Here is my post from few years back, but I think it stills takes the same process. I first went on STD (short term disability)after I had a fistula surgery, it would not heal for month’s. I couldn’t sit due to the pain, I leaked post BM and was very depressed. Mind you, I lived for years with...