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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    Neurological Issues?

    Thank you for your concern. MS has been ruled out. They thought I had it in the beginning, but because I have so much pain. MS patients don't usually have so much pain. I had every treat under the sun. Hated the nerve test on my legs! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 05.
  2. S

    Neurological Issues?

    Yes I've realized that it does happen more in the heat! Alot of times in the shower or when I put my head down. They only last a second or two. I have the pin, needles, and numbing. I also get that bug crawling feeling and theres nothing there. I had to move to dallas when I got sick...
  3. S

    Neurological Issues? they look like little fire flies jumping around going on off? I just had surgery in dalllas and forgot how bad that weather effects me.
  4. S

    Inter stem therapy?

    Does anyone know what inter stem is? I think it can help so many people. I've been having control control problems. Due to fistulas and so many surgeries!! They put a wire in your sacral nerve that is connected to a pacemaker type of remote. It sends an electoral currant to the nerve. Pretty...
  5. S

    Inter stem therapy?

    Has anyone had the inter stem therapy procedure? I had the procedure done the 7 th. What a trip!! :cool2: To think that I'm a remote control bionic woman! Lol!
  6. S

    Neurological Issues?

    I'm new to the forum as of today. I was.diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 91 and after 6 months I had to have my colon removed. I have a J pouch and just had inter stem therapy done. My father has crohns and my mother has MS. When my UC started the neurological problems started also. I had...