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  1. hugh

    Help...I'm struggling to drop weight

    It's only part of the picture, but I think it's a big part......
  2. hugh

    Help...I'm struggling to drop weight

    just a thought and worth investigating, Comparison with ancestral diets suggests dense acellular carbohydrates promote an inflammatory microbiota, and may be the primary dietary cause of leptin resistance and obesity -the basic concept is...
  3. hugh

    Going Gluten Free Triggered My Worst UC Flareup

    An intestinal blockage would be a combination of the condition of your intestine (scar tissue, narrowing, twisting) and the consistency of your stool.. It is quite possible that going gluten free could have a dramatic effect on consistency, it certainly did for me, and other foods that have...
  4. hugh

    Replacement for flour

    None of the starchy flours are SCD legal, SCD restricts ALL complex carbs, although it has been demonstrated by other diets[1] that this may not be necessary once bacteria is under control After a period on SCD you might want to switch to an easier diet (paleo 2.0, perfect health diet, SVD...
  5. hugh

    Replacement for flour

    Almond flour and coconut flour are the main substitutes, a bit pricey (shop around and look online, i've seen almond flour for $20/kg and i've seen it for $80/kg....... Hundreds of recipes on line, but mileage may vary.... If you have a blender you can make flours from SCD legal nuts and seeds...
  6. hugh

    Carb related inflammation

    "These CD-specific host and microbe profiles identify the ileum as the primary inductive site for all forms of CD and may direct prognostic and therapeutic approaches"
  7. hugh

    New to crohn's and need to find food triggers but need help

    It's a long road so try to enjoy the walk, Some spend years struggling and others quickly stumble onto something that works for them Alongside the food you eat keep a note of how you feel, tired, happy, pain, gas, everything you can be bothered with. It is a useful tool as patterns may become...
  8. hugh

    Bye bye meat, bye bye cheese...

    I know this is a bit obvious, but any recipe without meat or animal products. There are thousands of websites out there - Google it........ You want good advice on being vegan? Avoid the proceed crap , anything else is ok if it is tolerated There-in lies the rub..... Using something like...
  9. hugh

    Bye bye meat, bye bye cheese...

    My spidey sense is picking up a hint of sarcasm?, perhaps with a touch of hostility? Never mind, might be the diet deprivation grumps......... Sounds like you are not rushing into anything foolishly but I will try to clarify and leave you to your experiment Don't know how you look at it, but as...
  10. hugh

    Bye bye meat, bye bye cheese...

    Sounds like he suggested it because he doesn't have anything else to offer? This is the bit that most people don't understand, There is a lot going on but it can help to divide it into two very separate events. Crohn's is an immune reaction, your immune system is attacking bacteria in your gut...
  11. hugh

    Carb related inflammation

    Firstly, I don't think it is the only source of disbiosis, other things have been shown to throw the balance of gut bacteria out (anti-biotics, stress, gluten, etc) but it is probably one of the major factors. When there is this disbiosis the immune system considers it a threat and attacks...
  12. hugh

    Carb related inflammation

    Listening to a Chris Kressler Podcast [1] earlier and it really crystallised something that I have been thinking for a while….. The podcast was about a response to a question about whether a vegetarian diet is better for your microbiome or not, and I have posted a link at the end – well worth...
  13. hugh

    Goat's milk kefir

    if you think it is helping then get the grains (google kefir grains and your location, someone somewhere near will post them) and make it yourself for just the price of the milk. It is super easy
  14. hugh

    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    Just two points...... I would seriously look at avoiding gluten if you have any auto-immune condiition. (I would eliminate it anyway. Rice and tubbers are probably OK but ditch the bread/past as and see if thyroid improves( google it). Secondly, it is possible to get ethically raised meat. You...
  15. hugh

    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    You might want to check this out, "the hottest new fad" or a pretty sensible diet? ""Although they may sound completely at odds, the truth is Paleo and vegan diets have more in common with each other than either have with the standard American diet," says Mark Hyman, M.D., director of the...
  16. hugh


    It's all pretty "new frontier, may, might, gimme some funding and i'll do a study" or to quote one article "As the authors discuss, the impact of the microbiota on normal brain development remains unknown, but this has become an important emerging area of investigation." "proof" of anything is...
  17. hugh

    Real maple syrup vs artificial syrup.

    only new members........... Most of these sites give the info away for free, If you still want to join their club/buy their product/worship at their alter, that's your choice gasp - even mark sisson?, i kinda like alot of what he says, his definitive guides are pretty good[1] (as a starting...
  18. hugh

    Real maple syrup vs artificial syrup.

    Sounds like you have plenty to deal with and this particular issue is well down the list. Paleo is a fairly broad church (as i am sure you will know) and there is plenty of bad advice (or advice that might be good for someone else) out there. As far as diet can help, you might do well to look...
  19. hugh

    Real maple syrup vs artificial syrup.

    I'm under the impression that coconut oil is a pretty good cooking oil (and a pretty good oil in general), Would be interested in your reasons for not using it It does appear that there is something going on, but you would be the best judge of it's magnitude. I do know that many have bought...
  20. hugh

    Stomach hurts when eating "good food"

    I think that's the reason that most people have for not having good results with diet in general. That's why i always recommend something like SCD/GAPS intro stages[1] which stress (usually on deaf ears) the importance of adding one food back at a time to see if it is tolerated. My first...