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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Pilgrim

    Diets and Supplements for Crohn's Disease and other IBD

    Should add CDED Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet to the list as it has some evidence based results.
  2. Pilgrim

    Still feel sick with Azathioprine after nearly 4 weeks! HELP!

    Look into the possibility of Azathioprine induced pancreatitis. If this is the problem you will just feel worse each dose, and probably worth bloodwork to rule out.
  3. Pilgrim

    Vegan on Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet / Tofu

    I will also be watching this thread in case anyone has more insights on Vegan CDED.
  4. Pilgrim

    H's Brother

    C is 14 now, first year of high school. He has been taking 40mg Humira weekly for some time. His Crohn's is stable and under control. He developed what looks like scalp psoriasis. It is developing pretty fast and he has lost a large patch of hair. I talked to GI last week and had requested a...
  5. Pilgrim

    Is Stelara failing me?

    I posted this elsewhere but in our experience Stelara took 12-16 months to be therapeutic at 4 week dosing. In the first 6 months her fcal wasn't improving.
  6. Pilgrim

    Human IL-23 is essential for IFN-γ–dependent immunity to mycobacteria

    In our experience Stelara took 12-16 months to be therapeutic and that was at 4 week dosing.
  7. Pilgrim

    Sustained Diet-Induced Remission in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Is Associated With Kynurenine and Serotonin Pathways

    Read the study. It made me wonder if Crohn's patients taking SSRI'S for depression or anxiety see any increase in remission rates or lengths. Just thinking about the serotonin angle.
  8. Pilgrim

    Crohn's ? -- Need Help!

    It's a diagnosis that is so hard to accept. At 14, maybe your son will be interested in learning along with you and preparing from an early age to advocate for himself in a medical setting. My son who has Crohn's is also 14 (although his diagnosis was 5 years ago now). I wish he was more...
  9. Pilgrim

    Stelara effectiveness in remission and growth for Teen

    Want to add that the meal replacement shakes (Boost, Ensure etc) have been a staple here with both of my kids with Crohn's and I think have been a huge help keeping growth happening. I hated the idea of those too at first but now I keep the fridge stocked. At least 2 a day for each of them...
  10. Pilgrim

    Stelara effectiveness in remission and growth for Teen

    The most recent time was when we used EEN then CDED (diet) as a bridge therapy when Humira was dropped and we were waiting for authorization and set up of Stelara - and knowing that it takes Stelara a long time to work. We had labs at the 3 month mark, which showed great improvement but I didn't...
  11. Pilgrim

    Stelara effectiveness in remission and growth for Teen

    My daughter, 12, is taking Stelara now for about 18 months after about 6 years of Humira. Her growth is great and we've had less side effects using Stelara than other drugs, so far. Personally, our experience with steroids, methotrexate, Azathioprine...were terrible. Humira was good for a long...
  12. Pilgrim


    We did do maintenance but it was harder, ironically, to keep the cheats to just the 2 days. For us it just worked to use the first 2 stages. More of a self control/teens issue.when we went back to it, we had to do stage 2.
  13. Pilgrim

    My daughter started Humira as her first biologic drug at age 4. She had 6 good years with Humira...

    My daughter started Humira as her first biologic drug at age 4. She had 6 good years with Humira -of course we had dose increases and sometimes we had to add Methotrexate to keep things working. We would have started with Remicade but we live so far from the children's hospital and needed to...
  14. Pilgrim


    My daughter was diagnosed VEO at age 3, and went through different options: EEN, Azathioprine, Sulfasalazine, dietary before starting Humira at age 4. Humira was successful for many years. If I remember correctly she had to work up the med ladder in order to access biologics. In Canada 12 weeks...
  15. Pilgrim


    My daughter went on a strict CDED diet for 12 weeks when she started Stelara. It really kick started her remission. We liberalized the diet at 12 weeks and unfortunately the Stelara wasn't ready to take over. Her fecal calpro shot up again. So we returned to the principals of the diet and at...
  16. Pilgrim

    Kids to adults …medical history

    Great idea. Additionally I sometimes forget who was scoped when because we have 2 kids with Crohn's among a busy big family. I definitely need to do this.
  17. Pilgrim

    Covid vaccines

    We could not start our child on a biologic without her being up to date on her childhood immunizations. She was 4 at the time (no covid then). I didn't know they could make exceptions. We have had flu shots some years, and some years we haven't. She was hospitalized once after she caught a GI...
  18. Pilgrim

    Crazy turn of events for us!

    Had they tested her at all for celiac previously? What is the history there? And HOORAY for a diagnosis with a solution.
  19. Pilgrim

    Are your kids physicaly active?

    Remember that some are writing advice from an American system. We are in the Canadian system and you are in the UK. My kids are not in remission and we have visits or telehealth every 6 months with various labs done quarterly. FCAL can fluctuate as well even a bit day to day or depending on...