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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. X

    Low Grade Fever

    I am sorry that you are feeling unwell. I understand that you feel tired and unwell coincindent with the temp of 99 or higher. Take a look at this temperature graph (<-link) that shows the circadian rhythm. Temperature starts at 97 and goes up to 99 in the afternoon and evening. 99.6 is...
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    Efficacy of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Interesting pilot study. Note the participants were on various medication during this trial - biologics, immunomodulators, mesalamine, steroids. A cautionary note from the article "One participant with postoperative recurrence of ileal CD with known ileocolonic anastomotic stricture required...
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    Statistics on people who were able to maintain remission off of meds.

    These are studies in adults about clinical course after stopping biologics. Although they are not about kids, I thought some of you might be interested.
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    Fatigue is my worst enemy...grr

    Sorry you are dealing with this! Crohn's inflammation, methotrexate, sertraline, metoprolol, ?stelara can all cause fatigue. Have any of your meds changed recently? Do you have any increase in Crohn's symptoms? [If you are more tired recently, and have had more symptoms, I would think about...
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    Difficulty Breathing

    I am sorry that you are dealing with these concerning symptoms. If you have respiratory symptoms due to pulmonary disease, I would expect pulmonary function tests to be abnormal. If you had full pulm fx tests and they were normal, your difficulty may not be pulmonary in nature. You mentioned...
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    Dexascan results? How to interpret?

    I can't advise re: calcium supplements or any medical treatment . I wouldn't read in too much to a normal serum Calcium. One's bones could need calcium and have a normal serum level. I would ask his doctor. Levels of vit Ds are controversial. I would find out what his level was and what the...
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    Dexascan results? How to interpret?

    A children's hospital should know how to compare a patient to "norms" correctly. In any case, going from -6.6 to -2.6 is moving in the correct direction. How much vit D is he on and have they checked levels? Does his diet have much calcium in it? Dairy?
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    Best food to eat and gain weight

    What therapy are you on? I think any effective therapy will help you gain weight. When there is active disease, it can be very difficult to gain weight. The supplemental drinks that Guerrero suggested can definitely help. Some are dairy based but others are not. My son had lost weight before...
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    Dexascan results? How to interpret?

    A Z score is how many "standard deviations" from the mean, or average. If you are between -2 and +2 Zscore you are usually considered normal, in the middle 95 percent of the population. If you are at -2 SD it means you are at about the 2.5 percentile (less than 97.5% of people in your...
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    Thoughts please

    Maybe white grape juice.
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    Remicade infused OUTSIDE the vein!

    Have you tried contacting your doctor (or the covering GI doctor)? It is possible to check Remicade levels. It's an expensive test and insurance doesn't alway agree to pay but in this case your doctor could ask for it and check with insurance. If your level is low now,I wonder if they would...
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    Remicade infused OUTSIDE the vein!

    I see this happened a week ago. The nurse should have contacted your physician and someone should have/ should contact Remicade Co to find out what to expect. Have you talked to your doctor @Farrah1? How are you doing? "If you require immediate assistance or wish to report a side effect or...
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    Will my son grow?

    If he were my child, and he had a normal height prediction, I would not consider GH. Hopefully his height growth will pick up very soon. Making sure his nutrition is good and that there is no inflammation is important. I am not up to date on the latest studies. When I retired, doctors would...
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    Will my son grow?

    I piped in because I am a retired pediatric endocrinologist. When a person is in puberty or close to puberty, they may not catch up completely because the time for growth is limited. It is clear that kids catch-up when they have a chronic illness that is then well controlled. They may not...
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    Crohns questions

    Did you have blood work? An elevated Sed rate of CRP? If the pill comes back normal, I'd ask the doctor to explain what else could be causing the symptoms and high fecal calprotectin. You could also get an MRE (MRI Enterography)which is also used to detect inflammation (if it's available...
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    Will my son grow?

    Weight gain will precede catch up statural growth. Catch up growth does happen when the inflammation is controlled and the BMI is no longer low. The improved nutritional state has a good chance of stimulating or accelerating puberty. That he has a normal height percentile (even though it...
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    Extreme and horrible back pain

    And what did the doctors think was causing the pain? Excruciating pain for 3 weeks sounds very unusual. Was your surgery laparoscopic?
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    Extreme and horrible back pain

    I am very sorry to hear you are going through this. Do you have a fever? How is your appetite? Has the pain been worsening since the operation, staying the same or coming and going? What did the doctors tell you the air and fluid around your intestines was from? Hope you get some answers...
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    How important is AST?

    Only a urologist can order AST? That seems pretty strange. My son (24) has had blood work and appointments every 6 months while on Remicade and (knock on wood) doing well. The frequency of lab testing and visits most likely varies depending on doctor and clinical situation.
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    Thoughts please

    I don't know about stopping the nexium but did want to mention that stopping it does cause rebound symptoms. People often think that when they stop it and get symptoms it means they still have an active condition but I think it can also be simply rebound. "Stopping Nexium or Other PPIs: So how...