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  1. C

    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    Written By: Dr. Claire Lockridge ND, has a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and a Bachelor of Science undergraduate degree with a minor in Nutrition from the University of Arizona. She integrates her extensive knowledge of nutrition and...
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    this is interesting An In-Depth Overview of the Three Types of SIBO: Hydrogen, Methane, Hydrogen Sulfide
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms 2023 Feb Impact of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Other Gastrointestinal Disorders—A Retrospective Analysis in a Tertiary Single Center and Review of the Literature 5. Conclusions In...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    claiming that there is no good/bad bacteria is absurd. there is a mountain of science showing that butyrate producers are CRITICAL for disease prevention, including the ibd family of symptoms. and that's just one example of many
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    doctors/medical have failed everybody here, no? arguing on their behalf of their treatments/logic/diagnosis is silly. crohns is the closest match to the symptoms i had. end of story. medical has failed miserably at reversing all dysbiosis caused diseases. the info i'm presenting offers...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    ibs doesnt have fever as a symptom. crohns does. every time i ate i got a fever. i'm sticking with my call.
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    you are on the wrong track. you think a salesman would spend all of this time/effort to sell a few bottles of cheap supplements? i could make more money picking up cans on the side of the road :)
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    interesting - they took bugs from ibd/crohns guts and put them in mice Our study provides the first evidence that the transfer of a dysbiotic community from CD patients can lead to spontaneous inflammatory changes in the colon of xGF mice and...
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    dont have a brand, but did see that several brands are available. i bought some off of amazon for a family member.
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    never went to the doctor or told a doctor about the crohns. didnt go to the doctor until i had laid in bed for 6 months with the inflammatory arthritis, eating advil like candy, worsening my leaky gut. at that point i had been fighting the crohns for a few years (not sure how long). the pain...
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    heard a recommendation for sibo from an expert i highly respect. it's a seaweed extract call fucoidan. available as a supplement - fucoidan also tripped my wire a few months ago - i was helping a lady with her cancer and found that it has anti-cancer studies/papers on pubmed. some with...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    the first thing to resolve was the persistent loose stools. i was going many times every day. terrible consistency. the hemorrhoids went away too. i need to thank God every day for that. i could not shake these two issues for years. prednisone had handled the attacks on my joints. i...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    i'm the same way. i would take the ingredients and research them, ignoring the brand altogether.
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    Humira Fail What Next..

    if he wants to start slow -- one capsule of swanson brand bacillus coagulans per day. that's it. i have had some successes with that alone. give it a couple of months - trillions of bacteria in our guts, takes time to change the mix of bad guys vs good guys how's his diet? that's another...
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    exercise in sameness, RA and gut

    these links are about RA and the gut. they are strikingly similar to the articles i post about crohns/ibd and gut. dybisosis and leaky gut cause the great majority of chronic diseases -- esp autoimmunes. the fix is the same too -- repair the gut. if you know anybody with RA or similar --...
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    The Body and the Bedroom: An Exploration of Crohn’s Disease and Intimacy, Graduate Student Research (IRB #24-008)

    serious question -- have your instructors taught you that the gut/brain axis is a key player in many psych problems? specifically gut dysbiosis and leaky gut as the cause? there's a mountain of fresh scientific studies/trials/papers showing that. this is an emerging science of epic...
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    Interesting Read - Research - Personalizing IBD

    they are sniffing around the right place, but still have considerable work to do. couple of quotes from the link: Armstrong and her team aim to better understand how the gut microbiome and changes in the microbes that live in the gut of IBD patients can impact the way the body interacts with...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    my story -- suffered from crohns for years, never went to doctor, just self medicated. then the severe inflammatory arthitis crippled me. time to go to the doctor. went to gp. he said you will be on RA drugs for life, pick one. went to rheumy -- same story. arrogance and stubborness led me...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    that's common. this is an emerging science. people trust the medical people that they hire to do work for them. in the case of chronic diseases this is a disaster. medical is an abject failure at preventing/reversing chronic disease -- see the miserable statistics. they excel at hero...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    lol :) i'm publishing here. doing what God has called me to do - spread this crucial information to as much of humanity as i can reach, to help them reduce/end their suffering. if one is unsure about a supreme being/creation -- study the human body. it is AMAZING. a single liver cell is...