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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    You can call the colorectal surgeon yourself at this point - sometimes specialists offices are good about calling and some aren't. In general if it's been a week since the referral, I feel totally fine calling to make my appointment. It sounds like your ferritin is stable compared to the...
  2. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Kittykat - do you see the colorectal doctor soon? I wonder if you go in there saying you have abdominal pain bad enough to keep you awake at night and black stools often (and for the last 2 weeks straight) that your GI says must be from your hemmeroid, if they could help. They might be able...
  3. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Allie - I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Running out of breakthrough meds must be really tough. My abdominal pain isn't that bad, but I have been having bad back pain for about 5 years and the pain can be really difficult and debilitating. I hope you have a good doctor and...
  4. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Wow, a troll crawled out from under their bridge and came to visit. I think I liked it better before. Cmack and ronrush (and lots of others, but they were picked on) thank you for your support. you have always been very encouraging and supportive. I've never seen you talk someone into...
  5. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Just got the gastric emptying study back and it was negative. I'm baffled (and frustrated), honestly, as when I read about it, it matched my symptoms very well and the dietary and behavior modifications suggested for gastroparesis helped. With them I have been able to increase my calories by...
  6. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh wow, your new doctor sounds so much more helpful. That's great news Blu! I'm so happy for you. That must be such a relief to find someone who is ready to do something to help you get better.
  7. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Blu - that would be scary. I'm sorry that happened but, awful as it is, it's good timing. I think it's helpful to be symptomatic when you see a specialist. It seems to make it easier for them to figure out what is wrong. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and that your new doctor is...
  8. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    AKgirl - you may already know this, but you probably want to be careful about which kind of magnesium you take. Unabsorbed magnesium causes water to stay in your bowels and results in diarrhea. When I take magnesium oxide which isn't absorbed well, I get looser stools. When I take my chelated...
  9. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    AKgirl - I'm so sorry your meds seem to be causing anxiety. I was on some meds last year that can (and most definitely did) cause depression. I think it's something I have always had to some degree, but usually it's pretty mild and things are basically ok. The meds made things very much not...
  10. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I had my MRI yesterday. The good news was that the barium drink was clear, not the nasty liquid chalk stuff. It ended up being tough in other ways, but the drink was a great surprise. The results were negative so I think they are going to go with the post infectious IBS diagnosis, though I...
  11. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I had that happen to me too, kittykat. I was getting a lot of general diarrhea that wasn't a response to food (as mine normally is) and it was weird and confusing... and then I found out my husband had it too and it went away a few days later. It was a relief that it wasn't the new normal for...
  12. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Sarah - that's great that you are home safely and can do the feedings yourself. Being pushed to normal food does sound a bit nerve wracking - hopefully you can be on the feedings as long as you need to be. I have my MRI this week. They are looking for bowel thickening. I don't know if that...
  13. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    AKgirl - I didn't get my first cavity until I was 35. I figured I just wouldn't get them as I never had before but I did. It wasn't bad but did need fixing. If you have to wait to go to the dentist, you might want to try to fight it off a bit. My hygienist once told me that when she could...
  14. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Wildmtnhoney- I hope they figure out what is going on, soon. When is your followup? I'm feeling pretty crummy at the moment - caught the flu on top of everything else. All the kids got it too. All the fevers have broken and I know I'm getting better, but I am still really tired and not...
  15. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Wildmtnhoney - Oh yikes! I'm sorry you are hurting so much. Oddly enough, I have a friend who had similar symptoms and thought she had a UTI and it turned out it was her back. Pretty serious, too. It's so weird how symptoms like that can mean so many different things. Oh, I've had shingles...
  16. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I hope the new meds help, Sarah, and that they are taking good care of you. Hang in there.
  17. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Wildmtnhoney - I wouldn't have thought those were food allergy symptoms either. That would be great if it turned out that you can avoid certain foods and it would make you feel better. I'm sure food allergies are a hassle, but it's still better than feeling bad all the time and not knowing...
  18. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Wildmtnhoney - I have had allergy testing and it wasn't bad. Mine was more focused on environmental allergies which means you pop your forearm out, get drops of allergens placed on you, and then get pricked in each spot. It can get pretty itchy but it doesn't last too long and they give you...
  19. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    KittyKat- I'm sorry things are so stressful. You might want to ask your normal doctor how much iron you should take. I've always been told to take iron in addition to the amount in my multivitamin. The one my daughter uses is the Zahler brand of Iron Bisglycinate. It costs about 10 bucks for...
  20. Dahlia

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Kittykat - any chance the blood is from the iron pills? Dark stools are a normal side effect of iron pills bc so much of it is left unabaorbed. My best advice (since you can't get more help from your GI and parents atm) is to work really hard to treat your low iron levels (and anemia) because...