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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M


    Just wanted to send an update. Went to see a Pedicatric GI yesterday. He wants us to add more fatty foods to his diet along with more fiber, no juice just water and Milk ( he drinks like 3 ounces of juice all day long, the rest being water and Soy milk). He wants us to do this for 4 weeks, if...
  2. M


    Thanks for a quick reply. His pedicatricians office has been following him and I was instructed to give him Culterelle 1-2 times a day. Everytime I get ready to call his ped on is Diahria he suprises me with a "normal" stool somewhat. So then I think Oh maybe we are done and then BAM back to...
  3. M


    Hello, I've got a quetsions for you. My son who is 17 months old has had cronic Diarhia for about 6 weeks now, very fiew semi formed stools in there at all. It is also very foul smelling. When he was born he was early and spent 8 days in the NICU on a vent for 24 hours, he was on a special...