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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J

    Sharp pain above and below my belly button

    I'm sorry to hear about your pain and throwing up. Yeah certain foods I eat it seems like I have to get to the bathroom as fast as possible because I throw up so now I just keep a trash can or something by me so I don't have to run. Or either I'm not throwing it up I have to go to the bathroom...
  2. J

    Hi, New here. This is my story

    Thanks for joining! I am new to the website as well it's hard and frustrating to tell your family and friends your tired or not feeling well. I have to take naps or rest my legs because I get tired alot I have tried to take supplements but doesn't help any. I have been having my legs jerk...
  3. J

    From Missouri

    I'm not sure what kind of shots he stated that if it didn't get better I would have to be on shots but he didn't go into details. He just gave me some blood work paper to get some more blood work before I come in and see him again on October 6th. I used to weigh 130 but now I weigh about 155...
  4. J

    From Missouri

    Thanks everyone! InkyStinky, Sometimes I feel like the medication is helping out and sometimes no. My regular doctor said most likely I'm going to have to go to the shots plus the medications. It seems like I'm a blood bank he takes more blood out of me plus watching out on the stools as well.
  5. J

    From Missouri

    I'm 27 years old. I'm new to this Crohns disease I have been researching it online to understand it completely. I was diagnosed with crohns in January of 2010 they say I have a severe case of it. Also, my doctor stated I could have had it longer but since I didn't have insurance at the time I...