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  1. V

    Whats the difference between IBD and IBS?

    seems straight forward and explains the main bits
  2. V

    Whats the difference between IBD and IBS?

    Whats the difference between IBD and IBS?
  3. V

    Is this possibly?

    is this possibly? Is it possible to have an anal tear in the back passage from going to the toilet more regularly?
  4. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Hope you feel better soon. Ive been to toilet and still soft lumpy :/ kinda use to that now, but its taken my mind off it,going to the drs, knowing its unlikely to be something really bad
  5. V

    What Ive been told

    Thanks lol sorry to be a bit graphic, Im in England would that make a differnce?
  6. V

    What Ive been told

    So for the past 4 weeks ive had soft lumpy runny poo. Sometimes I get a sudden urge to go and bubbling in my stomach area. Ive had abit of pain in my stomach area twice, 1 was bad 2nd time wasnt as bad. So, after having this four weeks I went to the drs. He felt my stomach asked me questions...
  7. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Hey how are you today? Im the same really, no real big improvement. Not bubbling as much but a little other than that, just feel tired due to sleepin cr*p and my back doesnt hurt:). but o well sleep later after celebrity juice :)
  8. V

    Is this normal?

    im 19 and Ive had soft lumpy poo for 4 weeks now, I went to the drs yday and he said it shouldnt be anything to worry about, but if your no better in 2 weeks go back. In the 4 weeks, mainly mid week 1-2. I changed my diet so I would eat easily digested food or low fiber stuff or high fiber...
  9. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Ive put some shelves up today, and I think I might've pulled something in my back again, it feels abit achey but nothing that bad. No, I havent. think ive said before, that i love breakfast so ive cut that down to just cereals or toast or something like that. and then a sandwich at dinner. then...
  10. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    ive noticed ive lost 4-5lbs in 4 weeks. But over the 4 weeks, I changed my diet and for a couple of days didnt eat much at all and started eating healthier plus started walking about for between 30-45mins. Been today, and small soft lumps, but over the past few days, I havent felt much...
  11. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Might be, or just one of those things, I love breakfast meals, like bacon egg etc so Im cutting down on them to 2 days, probs weekend, and have a piece of fruit everyday, which I have been doing for 3 weeks now. He asked me if I felt stressed or cant sleep very well. I told him I felt fine, in...
  12. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Hey!!! Been to Doctors today, he felt my stomach area and nothing there. Said see how I go for 1-2 weeks, if no better, go to the hostpital and pick up a bowl and spoon for a specimen and take it from there. Been today, and longer and abit harder id say. PLUS no blood, YAY How you doing?
  13. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    So, soft 2inches today, still get sudden urge to go, but no other pain, over the weekend, softlumps and abit of pain, like a sting which lasted about 5 mins but thats it, no blood for sometime now, Im guessing it was from going alot more.
  14. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    i will do monday night
  15. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    I will do, hope you feel better soon. I keep updating this like a diary, to remind me how ive been
  16. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Last night, spent around 30mins on toilet, :/ think ive pulled something. Was in a little bit of discomfort but after I finished at the toilet I was ok around 10mins after. Todat, small soft, went again and longer soft. So Ive decided to go to the Doctors, my app is for next Tuesday. Changed my...
  17. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    went once yesterday, not together, but almost, no pain or discomfort, thought great, today woke up fine. Went once, abit softer. Feels like I have got alot of gas. Started eating everything te family as been eating. see how I am tomorrow, Hope everyone else is cool.
  18. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    seems, to if it gets bad again ill go to the drs next day, this picture seems to be the best thing to describe how mu body is atm :ybatty: Youll be off when im working though Peace
  19. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Not that bad, ate everything my family have been having and no pain, just soft lumps. BUT I have pulled something on my right hand side around my lower rib cage area, I felt it go :/ and to top it off Ive hurt my back as well :/ lol at least ive got a week off
  20. V

    Would someone help/advice me

    Today, not back to normal, went first, about 1inch- 1 1/2 inch long, soft, but hit water and didnt break up. Went again smaller inch size down, but hit water and didnt break up and soft. Did some stretching and I think ive pulled some around my stomach area.. .. thats my luck lol. Ate more...