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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J

    Mom of 2 under 5 w/ Crohn's

    Thank you so much, everyone! My heart goes out to all of you and your sweet little ones. I'm so glad to have found this support group!
  2. J

    Mom of 2 under 5 w/ Crohn's

    Since Nora was only 8 months old when she was diagnosed, we technically did EN for a few months. They prescribed the formula and that was all she had - no other food. It did help her gain some weight, but she was still only about 13lbs on her first birthday. Right now they are both doing so...
  3. J

    Mom of 2 under 5 w/ Crohn's

    Thanks all! Yes, I told my oldest (Harper) about the camps and she is very excited to go - "two more months", she says :) Didn't have the heart to correct her, but to a 5 year old two more months is probably the same as two more years! My middle (Nora), who was diagnosed at 8 months was first...
  4. J

    Mom of 2 girls under 5 w/ Crohn's

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and wanted to reach out to other moms in my situation. Everything started when my oldest daughter started getting uncontrollable diarrhea at 15 months old. She lost 5lbs in just a few weeks (20% of her body weight), but doctors insisted it was "just a bug". I...
  5. J

    Mom of 2 under 5 w/ Crohn's

    I have three little girls, my two older have Crohn's - first my middle was diagnosed at 8 months, and two months later my oldest was diagnosed at 3. They are now 3 and 5, and this is the only life they've known. I could go into everything they've been through, but everyone here knows. It's...
  6. J

    IgA deficiency

    I know you posted this a few years ago, but this thread came up in my Google searching for relations between igA and Crohn's. My two very young daughters have Crohn's, and now there is a chance that I do as well. I just found out that I am igA deficient, and I remember that when my youngest...