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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    School or college reopening Fall 2020 immunosupressed

    WOW! I called the on-call doctor today to check about meds. Told her what he was currently on (aza and sulfa) and what was prescribed to help fight covid (pred & z pack). She said continue taking azathioprine and sulfasalazine. However, she said to stop the meds that they prescribed for...
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    School or college reopening Fall 2020 immunosupressed

    Delta_Hippo, Thank you! He has been taking zinc for a while now and last night, I added C and D to his regiment. So far so good. I had him stop taking his aza right now since he was positive for Covid. Not sure it will do any good since it is in his system, but makes me feel better. I am...
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    School or college reopening Fall 2020 immunosupressed

    My freshman in college just tested positive for Covid. He drove home Friday evening from school. He has Crohn's and is on azathioprine and sulfasalazine. My son is painfully shy, hung out in his dorm almost the entire time except to eat (I know because I use Life 360 to track), and wore a...
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    School or college reopening Fall 2020 immunosupressed

    My son with Crohn's (150 mg of azathioprine, 3000 mg of sulfasalazine, iron) will be a freshman at the University of Ark. So far, school is on and in person. We haven't heard otherwise. Plan to send him and he will live in the dorm with a communal bathroom. Got accommodations to use the...
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    Perspective - Covid-19 and our ibd kids

    Thank you all for your prospective. It always helps to see different sides and aspects. Currently, he is slated to stay in the honors dorm with his really good Scout friend. My son is VERY shy and stress tends to trigger flares. From a emotional standpoint only, living in the honors dorm...
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    Perspective - Covid-19 and our ibd kids

    I tried to read all of the post in this discussion, but there are so many. If you already answered this question, please forgive me. I have a son who is a senior in high school. He has Crohn's and is on 150 mg of Azathioprine and 3000 of Sulfasalazine. He is currently planning to go off to...
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    Transition to teens taking over care

    Thank you for this!! I have a senior in high school who turned 18 last week. I will blink my eye and he will be off to college. I need to start letting him make his appointments and learn how to refill his medicine. Where did the time go!!
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    100mg imuran for a 13 year old boy. Suggestions please!!

    My son has been on azathioprine for 2.5 years now. I cried and cried and cried when I first read the warnings. I totally understand where you are coming from. My son is 18 now and 180 pounds at 6 foot 3 inches. He is on 150 mg of Imuran and I worry every day. My son is back in a flare so he...
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    Looking for answers and help.

    It took 10 months, yes 10, for Azathioprine to work for my son. But, it worked!! Please don't give up on your faith. This is a time when you need to lean and depend on Him.
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    Should he stay or should he go??

    My son is only 16 and diagnosed a little less than a year. Our ped GI doc told us that he will see my son through college. He also said that he would help us locate an adult GI doc in the town my son goes to college. Doc said my son would see BOTH docs. He said both docs would work together...
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    Eating on aza

    My son has been on Azathioprine since Feb 2017 when he was first diagnosed with Crohn's. On Sulfasalazine (because low cost for me vs other meds) too until Aza kicks in. Stopped taking Sulfasalazine twice to test if Aza was working, but no luck. He started bleeding again. We are now testing...
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    Hand Tremors

    My son has been taking azathioprine since Feb 2017. He has developed a hand tremor in his right hand. I called the doc today, who was on vacation, and got a response from his assistant who talked to doc on call. That doc said that it had nothing to do with Crohn's. However, when I read...
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    IBD and C-Section Kids

    I decided to search the internet to see if c-section deliveries and autoimmune diseases/Crohn's disease were related. I found some very interesting articles. My son was c-section and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at 15. Has anyone else heard of this and if this is the case, I hope they...
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    Recently diagnosed. My story/weird things/venting

    My son was recently diagnosed with Crohn's and does not and did not experience any pain or cramping either. Apparently, that can happen. We love my son's GI doctor. We have full faith in him and his capabilities. Sounds like you need to find a doctor that is right for you. One that you feel...
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    Help, do I have IBD?

    My son had terrible smelling gas months before he had bloody diarrhea. He never had pain! So glad the GI doc went ahead and did a colonoscopy and biopsies. I would definitely go see a GI doc. As my son's GI doc said, you should have 0 blood in your stools.
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    New medication- Azathioprine

    I hope it is ok to go ahead and post my Azathioprine question in this thread. My son (15 yrs old) has been on this drug and sulfasalazine since February of this year. He recently started randomly vomiting (about 3 weeks now). He will be great, then get sick, then great again. It is not that...
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    Are you sure he has it? ARGH!!

    Thanks for the support. Venting and reading your comments helps!!
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    Are you sure he has it? ARGH!!

    Need to vent..... ARGH!! Apparently the mom's at my son's high school have been talking to each other and have decided that they are not sure my son has Crohn's. Really??? I keep getting asked over and over and over again by different women (moms of my son's friends), "Are you sure your son...
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    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for sharing your story. I am a mom with a teenage son with Crohn's. I will definitely share your story with him. It is a fight to get him to drink a probiotic or a nutritional drink and of course, I worry how he will do at college when I am not there. Your story will definitely help...