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  1. P

    Birth Control Pill

    @Maya142 - thanks. The GI mentioned low dose pill, said other patients have been successful on Yaz and Lo Loestrin. the ob gyn suggested Twirla , since it’s a low dose patch, bypasses the gi track and you don’t need to remember taking it every day. Insurance denied it, said we need to try 5...
  2. P

    Birth Control Pill

    Thanks for your input. While this journey is a difficult one, I’m glad there are some people out there that understand what we are all going through and we aren’t alone.
  3. P

    Birth Control Pill

    My daughter suffers from significant cramping and bleeding during her period. She’s already suffered from a ruptured ovarian cyst a few months back. A few different doctors have suggested a progesterone only pill or a patch, but I feel they don’t have a lot of experience with IBD. I’ve read it’s...
  4. P


    Hi. Crohns is stable, thank goodness. Yes, still on Remicade. SIBO symptoms include abdominal pain/ cramping, worse after eating, constipation and diarrhea, fatigue, brain fog. Pains so bad she can’t get out of bed and afraid to eat. 3 cycles :14 days of Xifaxan, 14 days of VSL3. Add visceral...
  5. P


    Thank you for your reply. She was prescribed Xifaxan. Day 4…. No change yet. I’ll keep all of you posted on the SIBO journey.
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    Good to know. As it turns out, through the standard breathe test used, it indicated she has SIBO.
  7. P


    Hi everyone. Have any of you experienced SIBO with you kids and if so, what were their symptoms and after testing, how did their GI treat it ? TIA!
  8. P

    SSRI question

    Thanks for you insight. daughter is on Remicade every 6 weeks. Good thought about the pain more significant at night. Her next appt @ pain management @ CHLA is in a few months . She had a clean out last week, pain is back to the high level as a week ago….
  9. P

    SSRI question

    She does not like using tens unit . Inflammation continues to go down. It’s 219 now.
  10. P

    SSRI question

    What are your thoughts if she begins to feel better between 3-7pm? She takes the Prozac @ 5:45 pm, with food.
  11. P

    SSRI question

    I appreciate your experiences and perspectives. So, here is another question you guys might be able to answer . My daughter began taking Prozac for her anxiety about a month ago. We have a good psychiatrist who consults with our GI. They are pretty convinced these abdominal pains aren’t related...
  12. P

    Menstrual cramp remedies

    Thanks again for all of your suggestions. We’ve had no school for 4 weeks. She was also quite impacted via an X-ray this week. Through the most recent ultrasound, it looks like the cyst has resolved and the body has absorbed any free fluid.
  13. P

    Menstrual cramp remedies

    Thanks everyone for your input. It turned out she had a ruptured ovarian cyst. Over the last week, pain has been pretty intense but dr says she should be feeling better . We were approved from GI to try Naproxen but that didn’t help much.
  14. P

    Menstrual cramp remedies

    Thanks everyone for your input. It turns out she had a ruptured ovarian cyst. Still in a lot of pain. We tried NSAID drugs today, per dr. Not sure how much help that gave. She had a Pepcid with the pill but expressed her stomach was hurting her. Would naproxen irritate the stomach that fast?
  15. P

    Menstrual cramp remedies

    What do you give to your teenage girls when they have horrible cramps due to their menstrual cycle and Tylenol does not work?
  16. P

    Worse after Remicade

    Thanks for your suggestions and encouragement.
  17. P

    Worse after Remicade

    Thank you for your suggestions. She is 13. Her calpro level is still high but better than it was a few months back, so the inflammation is still present. She has another stool sample in the coming weeks. Her doctors just started her on Amitriptyline. We are planning to start acupuncture...
  18. P

    Worse after Remicade

    Hi! Have any of your children started a biologic (in our case , Remicade) and quality of life , symptoms are worse now than when first diagnosed? 4 months ago, our daughter was managing the pain but within that time, she is not able to attended school, manage her pain or have any quality of...