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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    This is incredibly hopeful news! That a fistula can disappear! That is amazing. PAW just had an ultrasound recently (mainly due to new vomiting symptom and also new on/off pain) and the tech said that she couldn't see the fistula in the ultrasound this time (she saw it plainly last time)...
  2. cassimw

    Biologic's question

    Lizzie - Lots of folks taking Remicade, including a lot of little ones. My nearly 15 year old has had 3 treatments so far. She was just diagnosed 3 months ago and it was her first med. Just added 6-MP about a month ago. It's scary, but I did lots of reading and got lots of amazing advice on...
  3. cassimw

    CT Scan vs CT Enterography vs MRI Enterography

    Another vote for MRE. But I hear that contrast is yucky to drink. Especially by the time you get to the second bottle (so says my 15 year old). If memory serves, prep was just no food/drink for a number of hours prior to the test.
  4. cassimw

    Ultrasound Imaging of the Small Bowel

    The first test my 15 year old had when she complained of stomach pain was an ultrasound. She had an amazing ultrasound doctor, who actually saw both Crohn's and a fistula. She consulted with my daughter's pediatrician and they sent her for an immediate CT scan that same day. The following day...
  5. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    Thanks. It was just so strange to me that my daughter vomited - it was a new thing for her and seemed so out of the blue. Not that I'm happy that others are vomiting, but it's heartening to hear that this is not unusual for Crohn's. Wonder what causes it? Also glad to know that these random...
  6. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    This is interesting to me, thanks for chiming in. First, it's heartening to know that one can just sort of live with it and that surgery isn't inevitable (or at least not for a long time, if ever). Interesting about the primary factor in surgery or not being anemia. Wonder why that is? Was...
  7. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    Thanks MLP. This is useful. Was your daughter ever on Remicade? Sorry you're daughter had such a rough go of it :-(
  8. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    Oh, and I also forgot to mention that she keeps testing slightly high on her liver enzymes. The doctor just cut the 6-MP dose back, so hopefully that helps. Anyone else have this experience with the liver?
  9. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    This is the type of fistula that my daughter has: "Fistulas linking different parts of the bowel or intestine together, bypassing a section in between. These are enteroenteric or enterocolic fistulas." (I'm not sure which she has, but enteroentric links small bowel to small bowel and the...
  10. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    I know you are right - that we need to give it time. so glad to hear your daughter is doing so much better now - that certainly gives me hope! And you're right about the mostly liquid diet - I'm sure it's helping and I'm not sure why I'm so anxious for her to eat more solid food. I guess I...
  11. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    I feel so bad for our kids. Your son has been through so much! Again, it's useful to hear about the vomiting. I keep freaking out and thinking she has a stricture or a blockage. Thanks for sharing.
  12. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    It's so helpful to hear that sporadic symptoms post-treatment are "normal" for a while. The journal suggestion is a good one. Thanks for your response.
  13. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    This is useful to know that others have the vomiting symptom. My daughter had never really done that before dx, so it was upsetting when she did. Well, actually, she did have a few, odd, vomiting incidents prior to diagnosis - we just figured she ate something bad.
  14. cassimw

    The latest with my almost 15 year old

    I just felt like checking in for support. My nearly 15 year old was just diagnosed with crohn's and an internal fistula (the correct term slips my mind at the moment) just 3 months ago. She's had 3 Remicade treatments and has been on 6-MP for about a month. Additionally, she's been on a diet...
  15. cassimw

    Teen resources/support

    Wow! I can't believe your oldest has met 6 others! This is very useful info. Thanks! I tried looking at the local children's hospital website for more info on support groups, but I think I'll try harder.
  16. cassimw

    Teen resources/support

    3.5 in 100,000 is such a different number than 1 in 800! Thanks for doing this research - I hadn't been able to find these sorts of stats. 1 in 800 sounds more right to me, since I already know of 2 just in my daughter's HS (although it's big - 2,700 kids) and there have to be more, right...
  17. cassimw

    Teen resources/support

    Thanks, this is helpful and gives me some idea of how prevalent CD is. Thanks for the blogs too - I'm going to check that out.
  18. cassimw

    Teen resources/support

    Thanks for relating your own experience. This is helpful. Just from talking to people, I know of two other girls at my daughter's high school that have CD. I'm sure there are more...
  19. cassimw

    Teen resources/support

    I thought there was a teen support group here, but for some reason I couldn't find it -- thanks for the link! It doesn't seem like it's frequented a whole lot though :-( Plus, and this probably makes me a bad mom, but I'm really hoping that she won't go and read some of the more scary things...
  20. cassimw

    Teen resources/support

    My newly diagnosed (nearly) 15 year old asked me today how many other kids at her high school might have Crohn's. I told her I'm sure a number of them do, but I honestly don't know the statistics. So the first question I have is - does anyone know where I can find some stats? I don't want the...