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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    Son with chronic GI issues...maybe Crohn's?

    Thanks for the responses! We were in and out of the hospital very quickly this morning. The upper endoscopy showed that my son has several stomach ulcers. One was particularly large. His esophagus was very inflamed and swollen as well. I asked the GI if this would explain his fevers and he...
  2. S

    Son with chronic GI issues...maybe Crohn's?

    Thanks to everyone who responded. We saw the GI doc today and he agreed we need to figure out what is going on. He ordered an upper endoscopy to see his stomach. He had a stomach ulcer when he was younger. Also he ordered blood work. The tests he ordered are CBC w/diff & platelets, CRP...
  3. S

    Son with chronic GI issues...maybe Crohn's?

    Thank you all so much for replying. My instincts are telling me that something else is going on. We have an appointment with the GI doc on July 9th. I'm going to push for more testing. I'm going to write down everyone's suggestions. I appreciate it so much! The hardest part is that my...
  4. S

    Son with chronic GI issues...maybe Crohn's?

    Forgot to add that after son was diagnosed with the stomach ulcer he began taking Nexium regularly. He still wasn't getting better. The GI doc ordered an emptying scan and found that our son's stomach was not digesting his food. No wonder he was vomiting undigested food hours after he had...
  5. S

    Son with chronic GI issues...maybe Crohn's?

    Hello everyone, I am so excited to find a forum to find out information from other parents about GI issues. My son is 10-years-old. He began having GI issues around the time he started solid foods. He started having diarrhea regularly, sometimes as much as 10-20 times a day. His poor little...