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  1. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    Ill tell my doc. I have an appt. For tomorrow. Never had c. Dif. But i do know that unique smell. Lol
  2. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    I have taken cipero before when exposed to the anthrax sent to the pentagon in 2001. With no complications, however a few years after that i had a pylonidal cycst removed, it came back poss for MERSA and they put me on leviquin...a cousin to cipero, its in the same famile of antibiotics...
  3. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    They last for about 2 days......However the real a** kickers can last 4 to 5 days and land me in the hospital. Still trying to figure out this far as my wife and I can tell, nothing really stands out as a trigger. I like to think I eat somewhat healthy but then again as an Air Marshal...
  4. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    Thanks for the advice. If I can figure out a way to ween her off of Face Book I'll have her have a take a look. One of my friends has CD and was diagnosed about a year prior to me. He went straight under the knife to have a little of that evil cut out of him. Now I'm no stranger to...
  5. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    No thanks ever nessisary. As a Federal Air Marshal I have been to your great island many many times, I just hate having to fly those tiny dash 8 prop planes! :headbang::headbang:
  6. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    First let me apologize for the horrific spelling on my last post! :shifty: it was hammered out on my iPhone....dam little buttons! I was diagnosed with RA about 2 years ago...during a flare to rule them all, I figured since I had nothing better to do that day, I would go and see if I could...
  7. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    Thank you all for the expeadiant responses, as well as the advice on the prednisone, and taper. My GI as well as my Rhumatologist (I have been blessed with RA as well) were quick to pass out the prednisone like candy. I had been warned about the dark side of it and do have a taper regimen. As...
  8. G

    Legs feel asleep while on pot again!! Dam!!

    New to the forum as well as your exclusive Crohn's Club! As I am apparently in day 3 of the loving embrace of a "flare-up". Sitting on the house throne I noticed that standing back up could pose a problem since I no longer have feeling in my legs. That's a hell of an indicater as to the length...