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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SWer

    Job for teenagers?

    I worked stocking shelves at Walmart for a while. As a woman they even gave me the cosmetics/healthcare section (lots of small items). I worked at my own pace and did not have to deal with impatient customers because I also did the over night shift. Explain to your boss you can't do the...
  2. SWer

    Crohns & Colitis Birthright Israel Trip 2014

    So good to hear!! My Crohn's is not doing well right now, but I have my flight already booked to go to the Holy Land with my sister in 6 weeks! I am super nervous, but to hear Birthright does special trips to Irsael gives me great hope. Thank you for sharing.
  3. SWer

    6MP not working after 1 year - Considering biological treatments

    Hello All, I'm new here. I was dxed with Crohn's in 2010 because I went from a 16min/2mile to a 20min/2mile in 3 months while running every day. I was in college and didn't take medication regularly until a year ago. I've taken 75mg of 6MP nearly every day! Right now I'm asymptomatic, however...