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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    In need of gj tube info

    in need of gj tube info I am not officially diagnosed with crohns but my doctor said he can't rule it out yet. I do have diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, GERD, NASH, gastroparesis, IBS, and a bout of erythema nodosum that refuses to end (almost a year now with the painful bruised lumps in my...
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    Finally getting some answers!

    finally getting some answers! Hello Everyone. I have posted a few times in the forum. I am finally getting some answers and not being sent away as a crazy lady. It feels so good to finally be getting some where! Even if the answers kind of suck. I found a new GI doctor who has taken my health...
  3. S

    Depressed and Questions...just had colonoscopy and new meds...

    Thanks everyone. Sorry to be such a whiny baby about it…as you all know it just sucks when our guts are angry. I did go back to the Emergency room yesterday. After the scope on Wednesday I started having bad pain. I thought maybe it was just gas still so tried not to make a big deal of it. By...
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    Depressed and Questions...just had colonoscopy and new meds...

    I posted last week for the first time. Lots of belly issues past and present starting when I was in high school and now I'm 28 (stomach ulcers, Gerd, gall bladder, pancreatitis, IBS, C. Diff, etc). Currently I have horrible diarrhea, vomiting, and severe pain that is not responding to bentyl...
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    Doctor thinks crohns...

    Thanks for the speedy replies. It took a while to get the erythema nodosum diagnosed. It started in July and wasn't diagnosed until December when one of them lumps was biopsied. I was on prednisone for a little while to try and help the erythema nodosum until the cause is figured out. The...
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    Doctor thinks crohns...

    doctor thinks crohns... Hi. I am new to the forum. I'm just looking for some support and maybe some suggestions from others who have been here.I am so miserable right now. Here's my story....I have had belly issues for the last 13 years or so. (started when I was around 15 now I'm 28). I have...