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  1. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Just always so lovely to hear from you. I am always grateful to you for following my story and if I can ever repay you but helping with anything then please just shout!
  2. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Thursday, 7 June 20127.21pm I can hear my eldest son making home made pizza so I thought that it would be a good time to get out of the kitchen and let you know what has been happening. On the cooking front I have had the thinnest victoria sandwich cake ever baked for me by my 13 year old son...
  3. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    you take care and try and stay healthy
  4. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Am definitely going to read that post. A moving train that has to be an all time classic story! Thanks for the continued support xx
  5. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    How have you been keeping?
  6. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Oh my gosh - wooden walls!!! Thought a hole in the ground and no door was bad enough, I had that when I was in China. You have to laugh!!
  7. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Thanks David, it is bizarre what is going on with the food here, They spend roughly 0.80p per person per meal which is outrageous. It is also a false economy as good nutrtious food would enable patients to recover quicker, get out of hospital quicker and therefore save the NHS money. Hope you...
  8. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    From Crohns Disease to Bowel Transplant After a week of eating and new found optimism in my bowel transplant world things started to go a little wrong again. Late last week the sickness returned and with it the usual concerns. Surely the botox couldn't have worn off that quickly? I mean it had...
  9. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Glad you feel that my story is of use and helpful to others. Thanks for reading it as always x
  10. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    25 May 2012 It has now been a week since returning from my last stint in hospital and for me so much has happened but that may not seem the same to you reading this. I guess for me it has always been about taking small steps forward, always knowing that I have a goal to aim for and coming home...
  11. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    from Crohns to a bowel transplant latest update 230412 am honest I didn't expect this blog post to still be coming to you from room 2 on the transplant ward. I guess that I had hoped I would be home by now. It is really a case of good news and frustrating news since we last spoke. The...
  12. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Feed is on mostly during the day. Like you it used to keep me up all night and often caused problems so I lug around the feed and ruck sack during the day. I haven't been able to work properly for the last couple of years but I am conscious that I do need to get going as we need to get some...
  13. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Know how you feel. Can't get rid of my own cold - had it for about 3 weeks. Wish you better very quickly xx
  14. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    You are too kind. We all do our best, after all we are this pretty small family and if you can't help family then who can you help! Hope you are doing ok and take care xx
  15. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    I really appreciate your thoughts and comments, it is a huge help having friends around the world to help you through the ups and downs. You take care and a big hug back!!
  16. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    From Crohns Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there 100412 Well it has been almost a week since I blogged last and I thought that it was time for a further bowel transplant update. In truth there hasn't been a huge physical difference over the past few days. The reality is that I...
  17. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    I was back at Oxford today for a fairly routine update. I say routine because as usual in my bowel transplant world I needed to have my regular bloods done. Thirteen test tubes waiting to be filled with my "blue" blood. Thankfully the wonderful phlebotomist was back from her Sri Lankan holidays...
  18. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    So not embarrasing I know how you feel completely. As many as you have it is still agony and I just wish they would completely knock me out!! I am delighted that they managedto get the scope right through, did they manage to put a balloon through the stricture? very painful I know but wondered...
  19. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    Hi David, for some reason I think that I have just seen this post so please forgive my rudeness in not responding. I hope that my updates have continued to be of use to others out there. Sincere apologies again
  20. michaelseres

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    you are incredibly kind and your support means a lot. You keep well please!!