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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. L

    Scared of possibilities

    Thanks for your reply! I thought no one was going to answer lol. Yeah I couldn't understand the the pain being in a different area but after thinking about it maybe all inflammation doesn't show up on CT or something...guess the scope will be more telling, maybe thats why he's doing a upper and...
  2. L

    Scared of possibilities

    Update: Had my 1st G.I appointment today and got scheduled for a colonoscopy, and endoscopy for the 27th of Nov....bizarre thing is my pain is on the opposite side of what showed on CT, is this common??? Thanks
  3. L

    Scared of possibilities

    Thank you so much, and I will become a regular here. It's wonderful to have sites like this where others experience the same type of paths.😊
  4. L

    Scared of possibilities

    Thank you for your reply, I am trying to block it out of my mind so I don't fall into deep depression. I just wish I could already know what it is. Your story is inspiring and I will remember your words.
  5. L

    Scared of possibilities

    39 year old female with ongoing episodes of severe stabbing pain in lower right pelvis, tons of mucus, no appetite without weight loss, extreme fatigue, joint pain. I have been suffering for over 9 years and had a hysterectomy due to this pain (found mild endometriosis) but the pain continued...