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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. TooYoungForThis

    This Is My Life...

    All of your supportive responses have lifted my spirits, brought me to tears, and have helped me to understand that there is more than just me in this boat so I should reach out to help out and look for help from great people like you guys. Thanks so much for the support and as for my writing I...
  2. TooYoungForThis

    Diagnosed at 16

    Hi, I just read your story and I’m so sorry for what happened to your mother during your situation I too lost family during this ordeal; my grandfather and my uncle recently. I’m also on the verge of having surgery and I’m terrified my life with Crohn’s has been a real rough road, I was...
  3. TooYoungForThis

    This Is My Life...

    For quite a while my life seemed pretty normal, I was just graduating from middle school and finally going to high school. I had been so excited but almost like in the blink of an eye everything headed south. I would experience severe cramping, nausea, and vomiting and this was all during...