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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    Not Diagnosed Yet But Suspect I Have It

    Haven't had much going on other than the BA which was "normal." I just had some blood work done today to find out about Crohn's. This was the soonest I could get into my GI doc. I am also having a sigmoidoscopy and she'll be doing biopsies. If that doesn't answer anything for us then she's...
  2. M

    Not Diagnosed Yet But Suspect I Have It

    I have been gluten free since June (other than the occasional accidental glutening). I still have problems with my stomach and since the celiac diagnosis have been in the ER about 7-8 times. I believe I was told I had strictures and narrowing of the colon. They did a biopsy of the small...
  3. M

    Not Diagnosed Yet But Suspect I Have It

    I've had tummy trouble for quite some time and I've been working with my family doc. He put me on 2 meds for IBS and when he went to try the third one said if this doesn't work we'll send you to a GI doc. She did some blood work and 2 days later I was in the ER with terrible lower left abdominal...