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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Gabe

    Remicade and chronic Insomnia

    yes, i have that problem all the time from remicade(I've been on it for nearly 2 years.) :( it really sucks, and unfortunately it is still an ongoing problem for me. However, i do know that anxiety makes it much worse for me, so limit stress. Also, melatonin may help. Take it every night to tru...
  2. Gabe

    Can I join any form of American AMEDD with crohn's?

    Right now, I am fifteen and though i have crohn's, i am in remisson, fit, off meds and basically crohn's free. (If only that were a thing.) There is nothing more that i would rather do than become a nurse or doctor for the military. I already know that I cannot become a soldier myself, so I had...