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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J

    New member seeking help

    I'll check it out, thanks David.
  2. J

    New member seeking help

    Azathioprine 50mg tablets two a day, I have been taking it about two weeks. He did say he wanted more confirmation of the crohns other then the blood test but everything seems to come back negative. It's so hard to function in day to day life I think he is giving me a head start on some of these...
  3. J

    When in an active flare, how comfortable are you traveling?

    I sometimes need to travel during a flare up which sometimes leads to going to the bathroom outside before I can make it there. It would be nice if there was a medication to help with this as it's my biggest concern.
  4. J

    New member seeking help

    Thanks for the feedback, it's just starting to feel like nothing is going to help. Reading through some of the other threads some are a lot worse. The worst part is not being able to go anywhere especially when my job requires me to do so. I go to the bathroom then 20-30 minutes later go again...
  5. J

    New member seeking help

    Just found this forum when I googled possible side effects of pentasa. A little history about me, I'm a 30 year old male and have had stomach issues my whole life. For as long as I can remember I've had an irritable stomach and have had to be very careful about what I eat and drink. My Mom has...